More music!

Right now the news is only mine, but I'll still share it, because why not.

I have been wanting to buy a new guitar for some time, but two things have been preventing me from doing so: either a lack of time or a lack of money, and most often both at once. But today it suddenly happened that both were available, so without further ado I headed to Hveitstad.

All sorts of things led to the fact that I left late anyway and managed to get there only at seven (even though the store closes at eight). The consultant had a very surprised face when I came in from the cold, out of breath, demanding to show him everything that was available at once.

At first it was really bad because my fingers were frozen and didn't do what I wanted them to do. Then it got better; I won't go into too much detail and will say that I ended up choosing between two models and it was very easy.

So, meet the new member of the family!

(I specifically blurred out the brand names, otherwise they might start telling me about them here)

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