fashion trends

And now it’s not me who has the news, but my friend Zehar (who is still sitting here with us because he has a remote job and no one kicks him out of our house). But first things first.

I have already mentioned that the Eryakhshar Jearts once had a tradition of applying patterns with indelible paint to their fur, which served as a kind of passport: they denoted their occupation, some important feats, and what not. Alas, after the conquest of Eryakhshar by the Biniz, this tradition began to slowly fade away until it completely disappeared.

Then, when the Gearts received autonomy as part of Binisia about a century ago, a national revival began to slowly rise until it reached today's proportions; in all the media now you only hear about pickets, unrest, demonstrations and other things. And it is quite natural that long-forgotten traditions began to be revived!

So Zahar, captured by the revolutionary spirit, also made his first drawing, literally yesterday. There he is, in the photo!

(don't mind his stern expression, he's actually a very nice guy)

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