

A whole stack of letters that look like a cross between love letters and friendly correspondence. Two people participate in it: a man who is addressed as Gaimh (“gold”) and a woman nicknamed Sewrach ("a spear"). Yes, correspondence is conducted in classical Glinnar; For a girl he’s like family, apparently, but for a guy he’s not so much, sometimes he makes mistakes. It is much worse preserved than what we found before: the letters are torn, dirty, and often some parts are missing. Apparently, they had already been stored in approximately this condition.

For the most part, this all looks like chatter about life and the like, but two letters are very interesting in this context. In one, a girl writes:

“ say that you have finally become an ass; that's right, so be it. But what did you do with Thunderstorm?

The guy answers:

“...I can’t say what’s going on with Groza. Just know that she is there, where she will again become a Crushing Flame.”

Blazing Flame (clay. Cairfhadh) - the name of a semi-legendary sword that belonged to Fodallain Goraethvi (look in previous posts), which was broken in his last battle, passed to his sister and then was kept by her descendants for a whole lot of time - until it was simply lost in a strange way somewhere in history. Maybe, of course, it was just a metaphor in the letter - or maybe not.

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