Writing instruments

The post about bracers will be! My guess was right. Until then, here are some random historical facts.

Writing appeared in the Orova territories a long time ago. The first, of course, were the Glinnar elves, but I don't want to talk about that. Any writing presupposes the presence of two objects: something to write on and something to write with. We'll talk about writing utensils now!

  1. Glinnar elves. They used lodrast (lodrast) — a unique kind of paper made from reeds and (!) abandoned wasp nests. They wrote with brushes made of goat hair (cheaper) or squirrel hair (more expensive), similar to those that are still used in Mynyak and Yashut calligraphy. Oh, and they used ink, yes, black or colored.
  2. Draghars. In their reptilian form, they wrote with claws or metal styluses on molten stone. Effectively, but slowly.
  3. Eryakhshar dzhearts. They used sharpened and split at the end sticks made of reed. The highest class is if all the sharp edges of such a stick are rounded so that it does not scratch... lodrast! Which they first bought from the elves, and then learned to produce themselves.
  4. Harassukhum dvergs. These had a long history: starting with clay and stone tablets and ending with... yes, you guessed right. The same lodrast, which they now imported from Eryakhshar - simply because it was closer and easier. To write on it, they first used thin sticks of ink, which were moistened in water, and then they learned to produce graphite of good quality, and something like pencils came into use.
  5. I think you already know about the Rechansk and regional birch bark, all kinds of parchments and other things =D

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