Stereotypes about dwarves

Let's go to the next part of stereotypes. Now Berenice is sitting behind me and watching carefully so that I don't accidentally write something wrong. This part, as you may have already guessed, is about dwarves.

  1. Doors are hoarders.
    Yes, that's true. Let's move on to the next point.
  2. Dwarves do not have topographical cretinism.
    This is almost true. Dwarves - especially those born and living underground - have a kind of built-in biological compass, by which they can determine the cardinal directions. In fact, this feature is not quite innate, but largely trained from childhood, but nevertheless. It will be quite difficult to confuse a Dwarve in a strange city, in short.
  3. Dverg women have hairy chests.
    But that's not true at all. Only a beard and moustache on the face, and even then, the more time goes by, the more women shave them off completely. Can you imagine what it's like to kiss a girl with stubble?
  4. Dvergs are loyal friends.
    I would say that's an understatement. It's hard to befriend a dwarf, but if you do, he'll literally put himself in front of bullets for you.
  5. The Dvergs love everything connected with the army, and are especially fanatical about technology.
    Yes and no. This mostly concerns the highly militarized Harassukhum dwarves, and even then this trend has been on the wane in the last ten years. But regardless of the army, yes, they simply adore technology.

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