
There was a slight delay with the texts (we hope to post one of them tomorrow), so just some random historical information. Truthful! And a little materials science.

It is known that in Kharassukhum doors have been working with titanium, if not since time immemorial, then at least for a very, very long time. The Glynnar Alv borrowed technology from them (and most likely some blacksmiths from other places and nations), and kept it secret until things began to slowly approach the Industrial Revolution. But that’s not what my story is about today.

Among archaeological sites, armor made of titanium alloys is quite common, but weapons are very rare. Thanks to this, the myth arose that rarity is due to high cost, and since titanium weapons are expensive, then they are very cool. Logical?

No! At a minimum, one can recall ceremonial weapons with handles inlaid with gems. It's also expensive, but what's the point?

Almost no one uses weapons made of titanium because this metal holds an edge very poorly. The most terrible knife made from the most terrible steel will be sharper than titanium (and also much cheaper), which is why the question arises: why use a sledgehammer to hammer nails? Titanium cutting tools have a completely different application: they are used, for example, under water: iron, especially in sea water, quickly rusts, but titanium is of no use. In general, we see that half of the found titanium weapons and names are probably used in approximately this way, and the rest are just expensive status trinkets.

Another myth dispelled! All the best - and don't forget to sharpen your knives.

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