
If you are asked now what the most famous symbol of Mazdaism looks like, you will think a little, right? It’s a little sad that of the once great and beautiful religions, perhaps only Ohrmazd and Ahriman are now heard of.

But this was a lyrical digression, don’t pay attention. The most famous symbol of Mazdaism is the so-called. fravahr/faravahar, which initially looked simply like a winged sun, and later a human image was added to it. Why am I doing this, you ask? We found a cute little thing - a leather bracelet, and on it there was a gold insert with fravachrome. These were in use among the Mazdayasnians right up until Mazdaism was defeated by Islam in the seventh century. It’s clear that not everyone could afford gold, so they were usually made entirely of leather - or even with a silver insert.

I would love to sketch it now, but I got drunk on some strange milk and can only lie on my side and writhe from the pain in my stomach. Therefore, now I will show you the first couple of photographs I came across from Google, which are at least somehow similar to our find.

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