
Today the guys and I:

— attended a demonstration;
— had a fight;
— were almost stuffed into a paddy wagon;
— proudly, with bruises and abrasions, they left the battlefield.

Now let's take things in order.

Last night, around midnight, a big scandal broke out in Binizia. The (relatively) peaceful demonstrators from the Jeharts, who are fighting for the independence of Eryakhshar, were set on fire by unknown people along with their tents. About twenty people died, five more are now in intensive care in serious condition, the rest got off with light and moderate burns. My friend Arim is okay, thank God.

We have a lot of Jeart settlements in the south of Rečani, and such a blatant disgrace, of course, did not pass them by. Today in Hveitstad a gigantic demonstration was organized in support of the movement for the independence of Erjaxhar, at which I will not even say how many people were there; there were people, and Jearts, and whoever else was not there. But the problem is that in the same Hveitstad there also live a considerable number of Kayans - who, obviously, do not support the Jearts, but Binizia.

In general, the carnage was grandiose. We were not taken to the police station solely due to luck and the ability to run fast - but we also got a decent beating. As well as handed out, by the way.

How all this will end, I don't know, but I doubt it will be good. I don't know if we can sacrifice our jobs and go to protests around the clock - more likely no than yes - but if we are late with our posts and don't react to anything, then you can be sure that we will be walking around Hveitstad with banners.

Peace to you all, guys.

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