News supplement

A little more current news, a little more serious. Just so you can see that we're not dead yet.

1. In the near future (a week or two) there will be no new parts of the werewolf and no trips to the Stur country. This is due to the fact that the manuscripts were given to some other people for examination; what kind of examination and who needs it, I was not told. I did not even really understand who the initiative came from, but our immediate supervisor says that everything is in order. Well, we will wait.

Yes, even that part of the walk that was already on the way will not happen yet - simply because it is not ready to the end. Sorry, sorry, but circumstances are stronger than us.

2. In this regard, in these very two weeks we will most likely be working on the structure of the blog and the site. We will finish the chronology, tweak something on the site, correct something here... in general, little things, but necessary ones. For example, I have already drawn a hieroglyph with the chronology in the menu!

3. And I also want to make 3D models of the protazan (a couple of posts below) and the pole that we recently cleared of dust. No one really needs them, but they look nice and simple enough to.

Just in case, once again - stay healthy! And wait for updates.

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