Dreams without demons

Many religions tell us about such a thing as “possession” - when a person is possessed by some immaterial intelligent entity and makes him do all sorts of strange things. However, does this really happen?

All magical schools say in unison: yes! It's unfortunate, unpleasant, but nothing can be done. Let us reassure you: this may not happen to everyone; This mainly applies to those who are too sensitive to all kinds of magical manifestations. And they are (or should be) aware of this for sure.

Why are we talking about this? Yes, a new find, again written in Proto-Rechansky in Glinnar vertical script. Judging by the handwriting (yes, we have already learned to distinguish between them), the author is Emed.

I’ll still sleep on my bed, be damned. There are many creatures that want to devour them in the night. To make your soul sour, read the words: ...

“Even while sleeping in your bed, be alert in spirit: after all, there are creatures that want to devour you at night. To keep your soul healthy, read the words: ..."

And then the classic tips on how to protect yourself from demons that are especially annoying during sleep. In short: pray, if you are a believer, clear your head of unnecessary thoughts and under no circumstances succumb to provocations.

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