Stereotypes about dragars

And another part of the stereotypes. No, not about people, as you might think - they will be the last. About the dragars! And I also have an assistant, he is one of our readers (not signed, by the way). He asked to keep his name and origin a secret.

  1. Draghars = mythological dragons.
    Yes and no. Mythological dragons did indeed originate from legends about dragars, but there is one significant difference: many dragons are not very intelligent, but dragars are very intelligent. That is why in many languages, in order to avoid confusion (including Retsin), dragars are called by their own name. However, in older literature you can also find "dragons" and even "snakes".
  2. Draghars do not exist.
    We simply won't comment on this in any way.
  3. Draghars are large flying half-bird, half-reptile creatures.
    But this is very close to the truth. Evolutionarily, their species is somewhere in the transitional stage between reptiles and birds. Due to the fact that the Draghars can modify their bodies, now they can look like anything, but a couple of hundred thousand years ago they really looked like huge feathered lizards with wings and two legs.
  4. Draghars can breathe fire.
    Mostly true, but that doesn't mean they have a natural gas factory in their stomach somewhere. This ability is purely magical, but they learn to spew fire in much the same way that human babies learn to walk, and subsequently don't even think about it when they do it. This is due to their specific ability to use magic intuitively and from childhood.
  5. If you perform a specific ritual, you can summon/bind a dragar to yourself.
    Utter nonsense. However, our new friend claims that there are indeed some spells that a dragar can respond to - but only if he wants to.

P.S. I persuaded him a little, and he agreed to tell me something interesting about the modern life of the Draghars in the near future. So watch closely!

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