Notable characters

The further I go, the later I write posts, because during the day the heat is unbelievable and I just want to melt. But let's get started anyway.

What a find! As is known, the Harassukhum dvergs - both men and women - applied certain tattoos to their heads, which had a sacred meaning. The women then grew their hair back, but the men often did not - they shaved their heads. This is just a short historical excursion, just in case.

We found a drawing of the three most popular images, starting from... the third century, I guess? It's a jug of water (oddly resembling a beetle), a tree and... I'll console the most shy by saying that it's a rocket. I'll tell the rest of you the truth - it's a phallus. Yes, they wore it on their heads and showed it to people. A symbol of fertility and all that. Cultural traditions!

The drawing was done very carelessly and in a hurry - I tried to redraw it in approximately the same way. It is difficult to say why. Perhaps the person who drew it did it secretly and did not want to get caught.

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