Cucumbers and stuff

I really love vegetables. Especially cucumbers - even when the season is over, I still buy at least half a kilo every week and just nibble on them during some meals.

That’s why yesterday at lunch a friend asked me, are there even vegan Gearts? At first I was somewhat taken aback, then I replied that it was very unlikely, and half a day later, for some reason, I thought about this question and decided to conduct a mini-research myself.

To be honest, at first I thought of it as something like feeding domestic dogs nothing but cabbage and carrots (spoiler: it doesn’t make them feel good at all). In the end it turned out similar, but not quite. Let's start with the fact that Gearts have a digestive system that is approximately the same as that of large cats (and let me remind you, they are real predators). In natural feeding behavior, we are more similar to bears: omnivores with some restrictions.

If we list the foods that are included in the human diet, then we do not eat a sufficiently large amount of them. Potatoes and corn, for example: starch is almost not digestible. Chocolate, onions and garlic are completely poisonous; many people have partial intolerance to grapes, raisins and the like. But the most important thing is that Gearts should not eat a lot of legumes.

Why am I focusing so much on this? Because in a vegan diet, legumes are the main source of protein. And you need a lot of it, because:

  • Gearts, on average, have more developed muscles than humans, and they need to be supported by something;
  • The average jeart is a carcass more than two meters tall and weighing more than a hundred kilograms. Well, you understand.

And I’m not even talking about animal fats and other such things!

Now let's move on to exceptions. There are some very specific diets based on cabbage, broccoli and pumpkin, and there are also gearts that follow them. You can really live on such food, but to do this you need to eat a head or two of cabbage and a whole pumpkin every day, and finish off the rest with broccoli; You can’t eat it in one or two meals, and because of this you have to split it into several meals, which is not good for the Geartian digestive system specifically (we eat two; maximum three times a day, but in large portions). In general, you yourself understand what quality of life will be with such a diet.

Therefore, if you are reading this and you are geart, do not torture yourself with vegan diets. If you don’t want meat, eat milk, fish, eggs; Veganism is unlikely to make you any better.

(but I will never, ever stop loving cucumbers)

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