We can say with a certain degree of certainty that the story with the pebble has come to an end.

Here's some new information: it once belonged to a man named Steinavarduz (Stainawarduz), which is translated from early Proto-Lavinavian literally as "Stone Guard". A bit ironic.

History has not preserved the patronymic of this young man, nor, incidentally, his occupation. It is only known that he was a sailor. Most likely, a pirate, or perhaps a merchant. In any case, he used this stone for navigation - if you look through the crystals of silver spar at the cloudy sky from different angles, you can determine the approximate position of the sun in this very sky.

Moreover, the crystal was also enchanted in a certain way, and it is still not very clear how. It is unlikely that it was originally intended to show the sun always, even when not asked for - most likely, this is a fairly common phenomenon, consisting of the transfer of the expected purpose of an object to a magical construct built around it (the so-called magical transfer).

And it also turned out that the light didn't fall on it: all the scientists had to do was just get close to the sword without opening the case, and this nonsense happened. Then they conducted several experiments, which I don't understand a thing about, and came to the conclusion that the owner of the sword once owned the stone. Once - because they found this stone in a burial from the twelfth century, and here, remember, we are in the middle of the fourth.

Well, finally, I have a fully finished render. This time - with graph paper to demonstrate the dimensions.


It's time to talk about the second magical phenomenon - okushaz (jeartoy oquşaz, from the verb oquş "to tie"). Here we will talk about all sorts of near-sexual things, so if you are scared, it is better to close your eyes right away.

Brief definition, like from a textbook: okushaz is a psychomagical phenomenon that manifests itself in the emergence of sexualized attraction between a dzheart and a person due to close physical contact. It does not depend on the gender of the individuals and lasts on average from two weeks to a month; the maximum recorded period is three months.

I won't talk about the physiology - let someone else explain that. I'd rather talk about the cultural aspect of this phenomenon.

First of all, "sexualized" means exactly what it means. That is, such attraction can be compared to half-romantic, half-sensual love - when you constantly want to be close to the object of passion, hug, cuddle, rub cheeks and do all sorts of similar things. It rarely happens that you want to jump into bed right now.

Secondly, even though we live in an enlightened and free time, okushaz is still very stigmatized - somewhere between menstruation and venereal diseases. If this happens to you, then it is not customary to talk about it, because you will get condemning shakes of the head and many sighs.

The roots of such attitudes should be sought in the time when the Jearts first began to live next to humans in the territories of Orova. Their relations, to put it mildly, did not go well right away: I have already written about the Urtians, who, without a second thought, decided to kill a bunch of Eryakhshars - and I can also mention the Hellenic-Roman invasion of their territory, when people made cloaks for themselves from the skins of those killed there. Excuse me, but even now I feel some kind of ogresia and my teeth are grinding.

In general, it is clear that with such a relationship, it was at least very strange for a dzheartu to fall in love with a person or vice versa. Over time, many religions reinforced this attitude, writing okushaz into the category of pernicious passions - including because it could be of the same sex. That's how we got what we have now.

The phenomenon itself is not so relevant nowadays, since there is a drug with a prolonged action (for both dzhearts and humans), which eliminates any possibility of its occurrence. But nevertheless, it happens that a dzheart has lived among his own all his life, and then ends up in human society - or vice versa - and then all sorts of incidents happen.

Finally, I will say honestly: this happened to me once too. But I do not regret it at all and consider the two weeks spent with that girl to be some of the brightest moments of my life.

Geart teeth

I was asked a very strange question today: do Gearts brush their teeth?


I won't give a direct answer because it's kind of obvious, but I'll just clarify a couple of points. Those of you who think that in the wild animals retain their teeth until old age and do not need to care for them are deeply mistaken.

Firstly, animals in the wild (the same Panthera) eat raw meat straight with all the tendons and fascia, which help clean the teeth during the chewing process.

Secondly, they often die before they begin to have dental problems in general.

Thirdly, if they start having problems with their teeth, they die because of them - so we can also say that “almost until old age there were no problems”

The device the Gearts use to brush their teeth looks like a regular toothbrush - and is one. If we compare them with human ones, Geart models are usually wider (see photo) - that’s the whole difference.


The sun continues to shine from all the cracks, but we’ve somehow gotten used to it, so here’s a post for you. There are a great variety of different psychomagical phenomena, but only two of them (or rather, two groups) have been more or less well studied, researched, and most importantly, their existence has been proven. These two are the so-called attraction and okushaz. The second one is a little more interesting and piquant, so I’ll leave it for the next post, and here I’ll talk about the first one.

In fact, “attraction” is a general name for three phenomena at once: direct attraction, distraction and retraction. What, exactly, is the point: immediately after using this or that witchcraft, the person who performed it becomes:

  • or more attractive to certain people - it is an attraction;
  • or less attractive - this is a distraction;
  • or the opinion about his attractiveness changes to the opposite - this is retraction.

It is difficult to say when this phenomenon was first described - its mentions are found among the ancient Hellenes, and among the Glinnarians, and generally throughout the world at different times. However, they began to study it seriously only in the eighteenth century, and it generally looked very funny. The sequence was something like this:

- it was proven - it was refuted - it was refuted; divided into three different phenomena - collected back into one; decided that it manifests itself depending on the species - they refuted it...

In any case, now there is a consensus at least about its existence, and that’s good. Further - more difficult; it seems that its occurrence does not depend on anyone’s species - neither on the magician, nor on those who perceive it. But it seems to depend on the type of witchcraft that the magician does - and it’s also not entirely clear how. So far, we have only been able to find out that any healing spell causes exclusively attraction and never distraction - this is already some kind of progress.

The mechanism, apparently, is a little reminiscent of empathy: the remnants of magical structures located next to the magician are perceived subconsciously by other individuals and affect the degree of their disposition towards the magician. True, the problem is that attraction and distraction can be explained this way, but for retraction you have to pull the owl onto the globe. We wait and hope that one day scientists will be able to explain everything.


Today I wanted to write a big beautiful post about some major psychomagical phenomena and the history of their study, but you know what? The damn sun is preventing me from doing this, very much.

Yes, yes, that’s exactly it: these guys with the stone from the museum had something go wrong with their experiment, and either the light got on the stone or something else. They swear and promise that in a couple of days they will correct all the consequences, and I really hope so.

In fact, there is some progress. Our sword, which is the Guardian, most likely belonged to the person who once owned this stone. I'll keep you posted.

In general, I’ve been having some problems with my memory lately, so here’s the plan for the upcoming posts:

  • psychomagical phenomena;
  • the end of the epic with the stone (when it will happen);
  • a little organizational nonsense and information on our further publications.

Stay in touch, and I'm going to drink Berenice with chamomile. Of all of us, she suffers the most from the vile luminary.


We continue the epic with the stone.

He came to us together with a whole delegation of scientists. Packaged in one opaque case and another opaque case - for a very funny reason. If light waves present in the spectrum of solar radiation fall on it, then all living beings within a certain radius begin to see this same sun, wherever it is. That is, it could be behind the clouds, behind the house, on the other side of the earth - if you look where it is, you will see it as clearly as in the sky.

This effect also lasts for at least a week, so it’s not pleasant, of course. If you try to photograph it, then everything is overexposed to the maximum and you end up with one indistinct bright spot.

For now, they will be conducting some experiments with the stone at our excavation site, and they provided me with a 3D model obtained using magonuclear scanning. I began to slowly have fun with it and already have the first rudiments of a render - it is not yet of very high quality, but it is quite understandable.


I thought that at least today I would write a post on time, and not at night. Yeah, well yes.

Today we’ll talk about sects again. In general, they are distinguished by a fairly wide variety of stories of their birth and theses, but usually they pursue the same idea - to soften the muscles of the members so that they do what the top wants. Friends, please don’t join a sect.

I'll tell you about one relatively old, but little-known. It is interfaith, does not have an official name and is covered with a sort of veneer of mystery - something like the Freemasons, only even more incomprehensible. Their final goal is very clear and banal -

destroy all magic.

Nope, I'm not kidding. These guys (we ironically dubbed them Bortsunami) really believe that magic is the root of all the problems that humanity can have. The reasoning is this: any magical action implies a deal with demons/demons/evil spirits, who will then grab your little soul and drag you to the underworld.

You understand that this is complete nonsense, right? Not every magical action involves the attraction of some foreign entities; Even the largest religions classify such things into a separate category and prohibit only this - along with the resurrection of the dead.

Moreover, if all the magic suddenly disappeared at once, then we would have to say goodbye to the Gearts and Alvas. In the former, the intrauterine development of embryos and the intellectual development of infants is disrupted; in the latter, the psyche begins to seriously suffer from longevity. These are well-known facts, proven by science a long time ago.

Both religious and secular organizations fought against the Bortsuns, but all to no avail: they still somehow lure adherents to themselves and influence fragile minds. And this has been going on for four centuries, no less.

Therefore, I will repeat once again: do not join sects and think about all the dogmas that anyone offers you. Amen.

رباعی ۱

Confirmation has arrived that rubai are, after all, an original form of poetry from Stoers, and not borrowed or some other form. A whole bunch of them here, in Srednestursky; The size varies in places and is not very similar to the classic one - apparently it has not yet been established. But without any doubt, this is exactly what can be considered the forerunner of the rubaiyat.

I do the poetic translation myself, so it turns out very poorly and not very quickly. I will post from time to time when I can. For now, I'll start with something a little ironic and very cute.

Nigūnsār wēnišn-it dušāgāh ma-rāy būd,
U xāmōš āwāz-it widandīg ma-rāy būd.
Ē, pad āhan tō hē az pad zan hamdamtar,
Be dōst rōštar az tō ne hagriz ma-rāy būd.

Your downcast, sad look always infuriates you,
I understand your muttering only sometimes.
Your love is true to iron - not to your wife;
But I have never had a brighter friend.


I want to show off one of the coolest gifts I have received recently. Study Psalter (aka Tehillim)! I have never liked reading church texts in civil font, but here you have both an authentic font and a translation nearby. Fairy tale!