
Every day we have some new things here now. For example, today our artist drew the main character Ar Thannan Rheine (“A Tale of Death”), Seangorakh. The tale itself can be found on our VK in the “our stories” section or on the website, in the “library”.

A little elongated vertically, because it will also be used on the cover.

And check out the artist on Twitter, he posts good news there:


Musical evening!

When was the last time I brought something famous and popular? Exactly, never. Therefore, this time too, keep in mind the Raiga singer Máddji with her semi-modern and very soft folk composition Iđitguovssu ("Dawn Light")

(they say that somewhere in her family there are even sadori alvas, but this is not very accurate. However, this can be applied to almost all raigs, so...)

News and magic

Long time no see, as they say.

We have nothing to say at once, and we have something, even a lot. Firstly, the manuscripts are finally being returned to us (due on Monday, in theory), so we can continue translating, hurray. But there is one hitch, and more about it.

Yesterday Acherus came to us again and talked for a long time about various things, including this one. It turns out that the examination was carried out because they found (sort of) references there to people who use Dragar magic. Neither he himself nor we can say anything for sure until we again receive the manuscripts with the necessary notes. And then we'll figure it out.

Secondly, we decided to ask Acherus in more detail about this very Dragar magic, which he did quite willingly. Much of the information can be found online with a little effort, but he further confirmed and clarified some of it.

  1. Dragars use magic as naturally as breathing. This ability has no exceptions - or at least he is not aware of any.
  2. Her main problem is control. Sporadic bursts of magic are possible even in adulthood, not to mention childhood, so the main responsibility of parents is to teach the child to cope with it.
  3. The main way to control is to accustom yourself to create all sorts of magic using verbal formulas, and not intuitively and at random.
  4. The structure of these verbal formulas, although artificial, very well specifies the action that the magician wants to perform, and nevertheless does not go too far with concretization. We won’t cite it, because it’s a lot and complicated.
  5. Breathing fire is a lot of fun. Acherus can do this even in human form, which he demonstrated (with a little disregard for local rules, but we’ll skip that).

Something like this, in the end. Looks like we're back to normal!

About the signs and Hessian swords

In addition to the previous one, a post about those same invisible signs and the history of their invention.

In fact, simply luminous compounds were invented quite a long time ago; so much so that it is not possible to localize the date at all. And it is not surprising, of course, that people and others smeared things, animals, themselves with all these luminous things... the list, in short, can be continued.

The formula for the compounds was significantly improved by none other than Fodallain Goraetvi. The compounds he used,

  • did not fade for tens and hundreds of years;
  • could respond to a variety of triggers.

The trigger that interests us is the touch or proximity of the owner. The owner, accordingly, is the one whose genetic information is contained in the composition. It was extracted from skin or hair particles; how exactly - I do not know exactly, and I am not particularly eager to write articles. If it worked, then somehow it was done.

And, in fact, the resulting thing was applied to... anything. Fodallain introduced the fashion of marking weapons in this way, and this custom took root. So much so that people from all over the area subsequently approached the Glinnarians to have some blacksmith mark their weapons with some kind of sign.

The most famous example of this is the semi-legendary sword Joyeuse, which belonged to the Hessian dynasty of Lorraine. Right at the hilt, it has the hieroglyph for "joy", echoing the name of the sword (Hessian: joyous "joyful"). As you can see, more than a thousand years have passed, and the sign still stands. It has, however, been "activated" only a few times these days, so that nothing happens to it, which is why there are not many photos of this kind. This is the best quality one I could find.

Andrey is on site

Andrey seizes the initiative!

I could write a whole post about how grateful I am to Acherus, Zear, Berenice, and a bunch of other guys, but I'll refrain. They already know about it. I'd rather show you what I've finally started working on. Comrades, meet the partisan!

(or rather, so far only his blade from several angles and in different lighting options. But even that is good)

It, as funny as it may sound, was also sent for examination. But this time to the guys I know: we need to see if there are any invisible signs on the blade. Literally invisible: Glinar blacksmiths often applied signs to their products with certain compounds that began to glow when the product was in the hands of the owner/blacksmith himself. I may tell you about this in the next posts, but for now we wait.

Zear bursts in

Hello everyone, and this is... Zear.

Didn't expect that, huh?

Actually, I was originally going to write this post for two reasons. First, to tell at least a little about my impressions of life among the crossed-out archaeologists. Second, Andrey had become a little downhearted and downhearted due to the mess with the manuscripts. So I was going to replace him.

It turned out to be the other way around. Dragar. Named Acherus. Came to visit us. This is probably nothing new to you, but I saw him for the first time, and so... you know, in short. He listened to what had happened, thought for just a minute, and categorically declared that we were all now taking our bathing suits and going to the sea.

Yes, we all had work. Yes, it's only seven degrees Celsius now. I understand this now, but back then no one even thought about it: we just got up at once, got ready and - went.

Driving through Hveitstad, we bought a couple of cases of beer. Then we turned slightly to the east to reach the most deserted part of the coast. And after that, the most complete miracles began.

Acherus heated the water near the shore to at least twenty-five degrees. And all this non-verbally - and this is, as far as I understand, top class even for a dragar. We collected a huge armful of firewood in the pine forest nearby and lit a fire right on the sand.

I don't think words can describe how good a time we had. But believe me: after everything that happened, it was like a breath of clean and fresh sea air. Especially for Andrey.

By the time the fire was cleared away and the water returned to normal temperature, we had all sobered up. I suspect that Acherus offered his hand in this too. And we headed home in a very calm and quiet silence.

Acherus said goodbye to us and said that he would visit again in a few days. We will wait for him - after all, we did not even think to thank him personally.

In the meantime, thank you very much, friend.

News supplement

A little more current news, a little more serious. Just so you can see that we're not dead yet.

1. In the near future (a week or two) there will be no new parts of the werewolf and no trips to the Stur country. This is due to the fact that the manuscripts were given to some other people for examination; what kind of examination and who needs it, I was not told. I did not even really understand who the initiative came from, but our immediate supervisor says that everything is in order. Well, we will wait.

Yes, even that part of the walk that was already on the way will not happen yet - simply because it is not ready to the end. Sorry, sorry, but circumstances are stronger than us.

2. In this regard, in these very two weeks we will most likely be working on the structure of the blog and the site. We will finish the chronology, tweak something on the site, correct something here... in general, little things, but necessary ones. For example, I have already drawn a hieroglyph with the chronology in the menu!

3. And I also want to make 3D models of the protazan (a couple of posts below) and the pole that we recently cleared of dust. No one really needs them, but they look nice and simple enough to.

Just in case, once again - stay healthy! And wait for updates.

With you is the very fickle column "news of the week" and its permanent host - me. That is, Andrey.

In fact, first let's say that the week in general turned out to be pretty tough. Lots of paperwork, lots of sitting at the sources until late, little time for rest. But we're coping! And now on to the news.

First of all, I am slowly turning from a historian into a writer. I am not posting this new thing here for obvious reasons: it has absolutely nothing to do with what we are doing. But I will still throw a link to it, in case someone is interested. And I have to warn you: be careful, it is not quite, ahem, traditional.

Here it is:, my first attempt at cyberpunk. And, as promised: Oksana, I started posting it!

Secondly, the story of Zear's unsuccessful matchmaking continued. Yesterday afternoon, the same lady who had been throwing peas at him, and whom he had then unleashed on the honest people, showed up. This time, there was no physical violence: she simply came to apologize for what had happened. Zear listened to her a little cautiously, and then suggested that they meet somehow and somewhere. In Hveitstad, for example.

Anyway, I'm constantly cracking jokes about his upcoming marriage, and he's growling and snapping. At least he doesn't bite, so thank goodness for that.

This is where the column comes to an end, and we along with it. That is, we are going to indulge in idleness and idleness.

Don't get sick!

Hieroglyphs from Dragars

A little abstract, but relevant information on the topic of what kind of strange signs we have hanging in the VKontakte menu, as well as on one of the backgrounds on the site. In addition, we have already been asked questions about this. Go?

People who were interested in all sorts of antiquities probably understood and guessed a long time ago. That's right: this is Glinnar hieroglyphics - the same one that is already more than twelve thousand years old. It is now almost never used (which is a little sad), but this is the tenth thing. The question is, why are these styles so different from the usual ones with their straight lines and angularity?

The answer is quite interesting, to say the least. The fact is that the draghars, who communicated with the alves then a long time ago, thousands of years ago, really liked their hieroglyphs, and they decided to borrow a little of them for themselves. Already by that time, the Dragars had their own written language, which was also quite interesting (you can write a whole separate post about it), but it is not the writing itself that is important, but the material on which the Dragars wrote. It was quite exotic - molten stone.

With the fire they spewed, the draghars melted the stone to the state of soft clay, and then scratched squiggles on them with their claws. But it’s clear that this doesn’t make the claws any better either - and over time they began to use something like a thin metal spatula, rectangular in cross-section. And by the time the hieroglyphs were borrowed by the Dragars, styloses of this kind were used very widely - this is where the legs of these evenly angular outlines grow from.

One of the caves, the walls of which are entirely covered with Alvian hieroglyphs, is located in Ruginia. Just fifty kilometers from Skaftos, by the way.

And in the image below I showed examples of the outline of some hieroglyphs. In the middle is the Alva “half-ustav” (“I don’t write the charter” because it takes a lot of time to draw, and I’m too lazy), on the left is a relatively careless cursive, and on the right is the Dragar style. From left to right, top to bottom: “fire”, “book”, “water”, “wind”, “thunderstorm”, “dictionary”; interpretation".


Finally, something interesting! You can first scroll down a little and see what we brought you, and then go back up and read the explanation.

Since some very ancient times (3-2 millennia BC) in the northern state of the Glinnar Dimonarchy, Mar-ha-Fallas, there has been something like an order consisting exclusively of women. In Northern Glinnar it is called Ar Fañgeus Eorvaragouez, "The Family of Spear-Maidens"; I don't think there's much point in explaining who exactly is a member. There's a very good chance that the mythological Hellenic Amazons have some connection to the spear-maidens, but that's a story for another time. And, yes, the order still exists, but rather as a tribute to tradition.

It is important to clarify that the traditional translation of "spear maiden" is not entirely correct. The word eorvarag'h, which is usually translated as "spear", can actually mean any pole weapon: from a partisan to a glaive and back to the most banal pole.

So what did we find? A whole set of weapons of some kind of maiden, consisting of a partisan, a wooden pole, bound with steel closer to the ends, a dagger and armor. How do we know that it was a spearwoman? An etched pattern of feathers on almost all the metal parts; this is typical for them.

Well, here we are, showing you the tip of the protazan. For now, only this one, because it was the easiest to redraw, and then, perhaps, we'll bring the rest.