Stur copybooks

Tell me, which one of you hated writing copybooks at school? And we brought you the Srednestursky ones! They are made on a piece of tanned leather called “post” - in fact, almost the same as Hellenic parchment, but a slightly different technology.

From top to bottom there are a bunch of rows - these are the letters of the Srednestur consonantal writing, and below the word is written six times pstly, that is, “variegated” (PR *pьstrъjь). And again a character known to us - if you have forgotten who he is, read the previous posts.

PS It’s all written a little unevenly in the original, but I also added my own crookedness, excuse me.


The following is an educational post that shows what not to do. A power line was laid through the skull of an English woman buried in a previously undiscovered sixth-century burial site. The proof, unfortunately, is only in the form of a link to reddit, but at least it’s something.


Training post: when you see something like this on the horizon and it’s quickly approaching you, you need to immediately take care of covering all your not very waterproof equipment.

But I don’t care, because I’m not at the excavation site right now =D


If you are asked now what the most famous symbol of Mazdaism looks like, you will think a little, right? It’s a little sad that of the once great and beautiful religions, perhaps only Ohrmazd and Ahriman are now heard of.

But this was a lyrical digression, don’t pay attention. The most famous symbol of Mazdaism is the so-called. fravahr/faravahar, which initially looked simply like a winged sun, and later a human image was added to it. Why am I doing this, you ask? We found a cute little thing - a leather bracelet, and on it there was a gold insert with fravachrome. These were in use among the Mazdayasnians right up until Mazdaism was defeated by Islam in the seventh century. It’s clear that not everyone could afford gold, so they were usually made entirely of leather - or even with a silver insert.

I would love to sketch it now, but I got drunk on some strange milk and can only lie on my side and writhe from the pain in my stomach. Therefore, now I will show you the first couple of photographs I came across from Google, which are at least somehow similar to our find.

What do Gearts smell like?

The other day I was casually asked a slightly unexpected question: what is the natural smell of Gearts? It sounds a little strange, I won’t lie - there should be enough information on the Internet, right? So, it turned out that there is too much of it there: opinions vary from the fact that a healthy jeart without perfume should normally smell like bread (I wonder, rye or wheat?) and to the fact that we have a strong musky aroma.

I want to dispel all these myths a little and tell it approximately as it really is. To a person with a poorly developed sense of smell (probably about 80% of the entire globe), a healthy geart will smell faintly of musk. The thicker the wool, the stronger the smell, because hair absorbs aromas very well. If you have a dog at home (preferably some northern breed), and you take good care of it, you can smell it - it won’t be very similar, but on the whole you can get some idea. By and large, that's all.

It is clear that the smell is different for everyone (just as it is different for all people, and indeed all living beings, in fact), and it very much depends on the food and other habits of a particular individual. Roughly speaking: if you eat shit, don’t be surprised that you smell like it later.

Another thing is that the vast majority of Gearts use one or another perfume, and the history of their origin is very different from that of all representatives of the genus Homo. If people initially tried to mask the aromas of sweat, rotten teeth, etc. with the help of perfume, then Gearts, on the contrary, emphasized their natural smell. That’s why in our perfumery heavy aromas are represented a little less than nothing - instead of emphasizing, they simply drown out everything to hell. Alva perfumery works in a similar way, and the two have a very complicated relationship with centuries of competition and disputes for primacy. Maybe I'll tell you later.

And finally: I personally (no, no, this is not an advertisement, don’t think about it in any case) use Qomor Clea Be - a nice, relaxed aroma with a citrus top. It’s hard to say how suitable it will be for people with elves and dvergs, but you can try. Hello everyone, smell good!

Birch bark letter

Another birch bark... letter? Moreover, with characters already known to you. I didn’t redraw it, sorry, just keep the text and translation.


Front side:

“Be strong, come on!” And if you answer us truthfully: are you a good friend, or are you lying on your side? Here's what we say: take courage, come, and Lodn with me, and let's direct our steps in the direction of Stursk. Well, you see, because you can direct your dicks - now the day will come, and how gloomy will I see your face? So be it, let me tell you my news and shit on your head, forget your friend and leave them in the land of strangers. From Pistrago and Virꙗza, from Khvarsh.”

Reverse side:

“Greetings from Skapataros! Pray mightily to Ohrmazda, and yours will dry up and die in stone for the words that we speak. Neither can you walk on the ground, nor can you fly anywhere: the gestures of the midnight wind from the air of winter will come and will sweep away from the earth together. There was snow, but two days ago the God of Wisdom had mercy and the heat came. Wait, my friend, it’s not far off.”


“Be strong, Emed! But answer me truthfully: are you a good friend to me or a hair-fucking (???) couch potato? After all, he told me this: I will come in Berezna - and Lodin with me - and we will direct our steps to the Stur country. I see that you can only direct your dick - for pollen has already arrived today, and how can I see your vile face? I ask this swift bird to give you my message and shit on your head, because you forgot your [two] friends and left them in a foreign land. From Motley and Virjaz, from Khvarsh.”

“Greetings from Skaptaros! I strongly pray to Ohrmazd that your eggs dry up and turn into stones for the words that you spoke to me. We can neither walk on the ground nor fly in the clouds: cruel northern winds with winter weather came here and confused us [the two] along with the earth. We were covered with snow, and only two days ago the God of Wisdom had mercy on us and sent a mighty heat. Wait for us, friend, we’ll be leaving soon.”

We are sitting under the roof, Andryusha is again scribbling something in concentration on his blog, the rain is noisy on the metal tiles no worse than the Geart national drummer ensemble. I’m honestly trying to untangle my wet beard, which is curled like a small demon - after all, Dverg hair is not adapted to a sharp increase in humidity in the air; the Kiyatland neighbor is torturing his ocarina, blowing something like “too, too-doo-doo, too, too-doo-too, too-doo-doo, too-do-too-too-too,” honestly trying to look in his checkered plaid like one of his heroic Kiyatland ancestors, about whom he buzzed the ears of everyone who was unlucky enough to be paired with him... The only thing that gets in the way is that the main colors of the blanket are pink and light green.

The tea is strongly brewed, black as Andryusha’s thoughts about bacon at three in the morning, burns his hands even through the tin sides of the mug. Take a sip - the juniper-smelling heat will spread through your nerves and veins, warming your body and soul - the old recipe of the Rushkaronzavas does not misfire. At first the guys were suspicious, but now they can’t be pulled away by the ears - a few spoons of the family tincture in a teapot turns a simple drink into a healing elixir worthy of the Ancestress herself.

In a day or two, everything will return to normal: the scorching sun, the muscles aching pleasantly in the evening and the shovel shaft polished by the palms in the hands.

In the meantime, you can drink tea and listen to the rain.

A little history

The rain continues to fall, so I, having drunk a few teas, write posts as if I’m beside myself. Now there will be some serious historical and linguistic information, so you can also take something to chew on.

And I will tell you about one of the earliest known cases of language purism in history. And I'll start a little from afar.

In order to understand what happened, let us pay attention to the ethnic history of the Urtians starting from the sixth century BC. Until that time, they lived quietly in the neighborhood of the Skolotes and Sauromatians, ruled quietly and did not bother anyone. But after:

  • in the 6th century BC the Theispides came and bit off a good piece of what was then Urthenia, located on the eastern side of the Kharassukhumi ridge. The remaining Urtians in the west went crazy and moved the capital to their territories;
  • at the end of the 4th century BC, the Theispid Empire collapsed and Eastern Urthenia gained independence. But since it continued to be ruled, in fact, by the Theispid satrap, their Western relatives did not want to recognize such a ruler at all. A sluggish massacre began between the two parts of the Ourtene state, which lasted for decades;
  • at the beginning of the 3rd century BC, the Skolata weakened and relaxed, and the Sauromatians, on the contrary, became more active. They began to cut left and right, and they especially liked Western Urthenia. They did not reach the eastern one, because they would have had to climb over the mountain range;
  • people did not know where to go: their eastern relatives would definitely not be particularly happy with them, and climbing to the south, through the Sherins, was very difficult and dangerous.

And that’s when the real pain began. The Eryakhshar Gearts - seemingly out of pure altruism - decided to help the unfortunate Urtyan refugees resettle to their territories by showing them convenient passes. They happily accepted the offer, moved and settled in new places. And then about ten years passed, the Urtians saw that the Gearts were completely unsuited to war - and decided to repeat the feat of the Sauromatians and clear some land for themselves. The Eryakhsharians were saved from complete extermination only by the Kharassukhumi doors, which emerged from the east and pushed the Urtians back to the north, beyond the Sherins - and then even further.

So, over the ten years of living next to the Urtians, the Eryakhshar Dzhearts accumulated a good amount of Urtyan cultural vocabulary, and this is attested in numerous sources. But after that it was all mercilessly cleaned out. Here are some examples:

j. šahap "satrap; governor" < urt. շահապ (šahap) - replaced by satrapš, from ancient Hellenic σατράπης (satrápēs);

j. sur "sword (especially curved)" < urt. սուր (sur) - replaced by rugalx, from Glinnar rugalth "sword";

j. despan "ambassador, messenger" < urt. դեսպան (despan) - replaced by àoñetar, from the verb ɠon "run".

That’s how things really are. Be kind to people who help you.

random rant

Traven, save you for being you.

Yesterday, for example, there was terrible heat - so much so that I had to put on a hat. Can you imagine a bald dog wearing a cap? I’m not very good either, but I had to. At least my back doesn’t burn, and I’m grateful for that.

But this morning, from the very morning, nothing foreshadowed trouble: rare clouds were flying somewhere in the sky, a light breeze was blowing and everything was very calm. And then at two o’clock in the afternoon, WHY THE FUCK YOU DON’T WANT IT TO RAIN, DO YOU? This damn downpour was so strong that within five minutes we were literally walking up to our ankles in mud, running all over the excavation site and swearing incoherently, trying to protect our equipment and other important items from the water.

Ask: what about magical barriers and other similar crap? It is strictly forbidden to use magic at an excavation site, especially in such a place. I have already written about interference, but we never want catastrophic consequences. I want to return home sooner or later safe and sound, and the prospect of being washed away by a tsunami rising from a puddle nearby is not at all inspiring.

Now, of course, we are all already under the roof - we are sitting, wrapped in a dozen warm blankets, and drinking tea. It looks like we'll have a couple of unplanned days off.

Edevran Samuilovich

We dedicate this post to our dear chief of the expedition, Edevran Samuilovich. However, he is unlikely to read it - he does not read our blog out of principle.

Perhaps this is the only one Human Alv, who could quietly be indignant at the fact that students were digging bare-chested - not because it was cold, it was windy, they might catch a cold, etc. - because it did not correspond to his ideas about, I quote, “the aesthetics of the composition of the excavation.”

It was Edevran Samuilovich who was the one who swore at us with words that both people and the elders of antiquity hardly knew - but he was also the one who (I suspect, using the same expressions) managed to achieve that our salary was increased by one and a half times.

Edevran Samuilovich is the character whose sophisticated and graceful appearance hides the spirit of an old-school boatswain. Or even a whole ensign.

And also, Edevran Samuilovich - if it suddenly happens that you still read this post, I will remind you once again: no, in principle, Gearts do not need clothes. Even for those who do not have wool, perhaps some kind of jacket in severe frosts. Even if you scream, even if you beg, I will never put a shirt on myself.

Come back quickly, Edevran Samuilovich, we miss you.