
It's time to talk about how the ancient avalanches let their eyes down. Yes, yes, all without exception - both men and women.

In fact, as always, I'm exaggerating a little. The author of these historical notes writes that the custom of eyeliner in his region appeared quite recently, but has already begun to gain mass popularity. Personally, I was bribed in his presentation by the fact that he speaks of this new fashion in a completely neutral way, and does not grumble at “stupid and dissolute youth”, as many quite eminent historians of antiquity do.

The ink, he writes, came to the Lavinava peninsula from somewhere in the south and has already managed to get a bunch of different names in different regions. The document states the following: liters "dye", augalitr "eye paint" farii - another "paint" snyrtifarii "decoration paint" smyrsl "Ointment", ... A lot of them, in short.

Then he writes something interesting, but quite logical: precisely For decoration Mascara was mostly used by dark-haired people, because it often looked strange on fair-haired people. But this was not its only use - it was also used in long military campaigns and in general in battle. For two purposes: to intimidate the enemy, and also so that the sun does not hurt the eyes so much.

From the totality of these facts, we can conclude that men in general failed their eyes even more often than women. So it goes. And, yes: he does not write anything about its composition, but most likely it was something like antimony of that time.


Second runic verse.
And, as always, we remind you: you can read us in the cart t.me/SoithasMarraidh

ᚢ (ur)


⋅ᚢ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᚨᚱᛗᚨᚾ ᛟᛈᚾᚨᚾᛞᚨ ᚺᛁᛗᛁᚾ
ᛟᚲ ᛚᚨᚢᛒᚨ ᛚᛁᛟᛞ
ᛟᚲ ᛚᛁᚢᛞᚨ ᛒᚨᛚᚹᚨᚾ


u (ur) ez arman opnanda himin
ok lauba liod
ok liuda balwan

Normalized spelling:

Ur er arman, opnanda himin
ok laufa ljoð
ok lýða bǫlvan


Rain is compassion that opens the sky
and leaves song,
and nations disaster.


And now we turn to runic verses. You can read more about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rune_poem.

ᚠ (fe)


⋅ᚠ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᚠᛃᚨᛚᛚ ᛖᛉ ᚠᛚᛁᚢᛉ ᚨ ᛒᚱᛟᛏᛏ
ᛟᚲ ᚺᚢᛊ ᚺᚨᛗᛁᛜᚷᛃᚨ
ᛟᚲ ᚺᛃᚨᚱᛏᚾᚨ ᚹᚨᚾᛞᚱᚨᛞᛁ


f(fe)ez fjall ez fliuz a brott
ok hus hamiŋgja
ok hjartna wandradi

Normalized spelling:

Fe er fjall, er flyr a brott
ok hus hamingja
ok hjartna vandræði


Wealth is a mountain that runs away
and luck at home
and hearts of embarrassment.


Now we can talk about tattoos common on the Lavinava Peninsula at the beginning of our era.

Alas, the author of the text does not say anything about where this tradition came from. Romans and Hellenes usually branded slaves or cattle with tattoos, so it is unlikely from them; the peoples who lived in the neighborhood did not do such a thing at all. Perhaps the tradition was quite original and old, but ... we can only speculate.

Bone, wooden or metal needles were used to draw a pattern on the body. They were made as thin as possible so as not to leave scars on the skin and to keep it as smooth as possible after healing. Nothing is said about the ink, but it must have been something based on soot (and possibly animal glue).

Only representatives of fairly high-ranking families could apply tattoos to themselves. Firstly, because the services of a tattoo artist cost a lot of money. Secondly, tattoos were considered a symbol of a blood connection with the gods - as you know, every jarl who felled had a family legend about exactly when and which god gave birth to some kind of distant ancestor.

Drawings were applied to the shoulders (most often), palms (less often) and feet (very rarely). And most often these were runes, which either had to endow the owner with certain qualities, or emphasize them. Animal and plant patterns, as the author writes, were found only among very rich people. Again, expensive.

And to finish - I asked the guys I know to serve as good examples of how these same tattoos, in principle, could look. Runes in order jurisaz (jurs), sōwilō (sol), ehwaz (jor).


The first post in our avalanche series will be a hygiene one. Because it is useful for everyone. There are a lot of tips out there, so we chose only the most... relevant ones? interesting?

1. Wash once a week, at least. If possible - two; but it’s no longer worth it: excessive heat relaxes the body. Otherwise, if you need to, you can swim in a cool river or lake.

In principle, it’s hard to argue, right? The only thing that may confuse a modern reader is “no more than twice a week,” but the point here is that they washed in baths on the Lavinava Peninsula. And going to the bathhouse every day... not the most useful activity, to put it mildly.

2. After washing, change into clean clothes. Always have at least two shirts; and if you are poor and cannot afford even that, make sure that your wife washes it in advance. Dirty clothes harbor lice and bedbugs.

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3. If you want to have a lush and thick beard, rub burdock oil into it (kroklappa). Take only a small amount so that your hair does not become heavy and begin to fall out.

Again, no comment: burdock oil is still used to strengthen hair today. Its effectiveness is somewhat controversial, but that is a completely different question.

4. My advice to you: if you have long hair, buy a bone hairpin (beinharnal). Use it to style your hair so that it doesn’t fray or come out, and the girls will immediately like you.


5. Don't drink a lot of beer. If you are a husband, then you will become forgetful, flabby, sick and absent-minded; If you’re a wife, you’ll turn ugly and spoil your milk. It is known that some of you, having fallen asleep with a hangover, have slept your children this way.

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I have been looking for a good arrangement (and performance) of this composition for cello for a very long time. For one I didn’t find anything worthy, but for two I did.