
Vikings and other Avalanche themes do not leave us even during work. Today I came to tell you about some documents that we discovered (seemingly) quite a long time ago, but only began to study closely now.

The first feature that makes them similar looks like this: they are written in ordinary Proto-Ruginian from the end of the first IV-V centuries AD, but! senior fufark. How is this unusual? The fact is that by this period the older fufark had almost completely fallen out of use, giving way to the younger one. And if the younger one was used for notes everywhere, and every person who knew how to read and write owned it, then with the older one everything was far from so simple.

In those days only two classes of people knew him. The educated elite who conducted business correspondence on it (and wrote something like scientific works) and... sorcerers! Who used these same runes for fortune telling and more. The runes of the elder fufark were not clear to an ordinary, ordinary person.

Thus, the person who wrote these documents came from the earl's family, no less. We are not yet ready to confirm who exactly it was, but we can give examples of what he wrote about.

  • customs related to hygiene and various recommendations (no joke!);
  • tattoos (until now we could only assume that they were in use in the territories of Lavinavia);
  • linguistic and cultural differences between different Lavinavian tribes;
  • fortune telling systems and other magical things;
  • runic verses rune poem).

About the latter in a little more detail. A runic verse is a verse in which each stanza begins with the name of a particular rune and explains its meaning. Presumably, such verses were used as mnemonics, to facilitate remembering the order of runes in the alphabet.

In general, I think you already understand what you can expect from us in the near future. Stay in touch!


Now I will tell you about the most unpleasant little thing in the life of a modern Geart. It’s not even a vehicle that we can’t fit into while standing; and not the clothes in which we are obliged to wear (invented by whom?) rules of decency, even though we are not entirely comfortable in them. Our main scourge is printed materials and screens.

The whole joke, so to speak, is in metamerism. You can read more about it at the link (, and I will explain quickly and briefly. Let's take, for example, a person - he has three types of cones in his eye, which react in a certain way to radiation with one wavelength or another. To a monochromatic radiation source (even yellow), these cones will give a certain response, which a person will perceive as yellow. But at the same time, you can take some other sources of radiation (red and green) and combine them so that the cones react to this mixed radiation in exactly the same way as to just yellow. The radiation is different, but the color is perceived by a person as the same.

The problem, as you can understand, is that the cones of Gearts and people are “tuned” to different wavelengths, and therefore the combination of intensities that causes the feeling of yellow in a person will cause something similar, but not the same color, in a Geart. And now attention: until recently, almost all printed materials were made based specifically on human (alvas and doors there too) metamerism. For example, the well-known CMYK system.

Screens? The same! The widely used RGB is also designed specifically for the human eye. Of course, the intensity of the components in the monitor can now be easily reconfigured, it is not that difficult - but here another problem arises. The Geart eye is also sensitive to parts of the so-called. “ultraviolet” spectrum - to those wavelengths that the human eye cannot perceive in principle. Blue LEDs in the RGB model shine at a wavelength of ~470 nm; violet colors (380 to 470 nm) can be created by adding red (metamerism again, hello). The human eye cannot see anything below 380-390 nm, but Gearts can see quite well, almost up to 300-310 nm.

So what should I do? The answer seems to be simple: either add another LED, or replace the blue one with something more ultraviolet. But where does this ultraviolet signal come from? After all, you need to additionally encode it, redo the camera matrices...

Of course, all these technologies already exist. But they are in little demand, difficult to produce - and therefore cost quite a lot of money. Perhaps one day four-channel RGBU systems will become widespread (and progress is slow, but it is moving in this direction), but for now we are content with what we have.

(in the photo there is a comparison of the color sensitivity of the cones of people and Gearts. People are solid, Gearts are dotted)

Sabañ. Movement

A song about strange love.
“Sabañ. Movement"

The Helshi sing of warriors - and I sing about the road,
Long and bright, warmed by the yellowest circle of the sun,
Where birds chirp and dew flows slowly through the grass,
The wind rustles here in the leaves and quickly runs away into the distance.
We have heard about peoples living closer to the north,
The sea lay between us and them; deep sea -
Who would be brave? Brave and courageous... so reckless
To swim across it? Hardly from the Djeart tribe
(I know) someone like this would be found; but people are different. And before
It happened that they surprised us. Now - and even more so.

“Ἆρ' ἀπὸ τοῦ Βορρᾶ ἐστέ? “You came from the north, right?” —
My friend asked this to his tall, light-maned husband.
“Ἐσμέν,” he answered briefly; After a little hesitation, he added:
Φόλλοι ἐσμέν. Καὶ Ῥετσᾱνοί,” he shook his head and
He pointed to his brown-haired friends with his hand. Fouls?
The same... rechans? We have never met such names.

“Why did you cross the deep stormy waters?” —
I wanted to ask them. But I also knew -
The Judge will ask them the same thing. And my heart said this:
“I can endure a little longer.” And it didn’t deceive.

The sun rose into the sky and rushed up into the clouds,
Hid in them, where Azura's traces were still visible, and
The grains of sand illuminated, shining in the clods of earth. Our
The journey was about to end: the smell of wood smoke
He quietly whispered to us about it. Quiet, barely audible
The echo of muffled voices, where everything, even more, was mixed up:
Joy and grief, sorrow and hope, anxiety and clarity
Hearts - and ringing, bright, close, strange sounds
I certainly won’t confuse it with anything. Never - I know for sure.

Here! - faces are approaching. And many of them are familiar to me;
Our people, suddenly seeing so many here, and again
They sank in fear at once. Funny, I don't blame them:
Although we are immensely proud of our appearance, we know:
Sharp claws and long fangs, the whiteness of both alvam and
They shout to people and doors: “there is danger here!” And they are right.

Voice of the Judge! Sounds so much like an igar[1]Iɠār (j.). A Geart musical instrument resembling a horn., growl
Throats it. Having heard, everyone immediately parted - and
He came up. “Τίνες ἐστέ? “And who are you?” - he asked.
The people were completely confused - and then the bravest of them said:
“Δήμω γ' έκ τοῦ Βορρᾶ ἐσμέν. Ὅδε Φολλάνδρες καὶ
Ἄνθρωποι ἐκ Ῥετσᾱνῶν λᾱοῦ,” stuttering twice.
"Ἀλλ' ἐπὶ τῷ τὸν λάβρον καὶ ταραχώδην πόντον,
Ὦ ἄνδρες, διαπεπλεύκατε?” - The Judge asked a new question.
“Why did you cross the deep stormy sea?”
They were more mingled than before and were speechless:
“Ναῦς ἡμῶν...” was the only thing we could hear in their words.
“Οὐκ ὀρθή ὁδός...” - this is from a husband with a wild mane
We got it. “The ship is ours... the path is wrong,” they sounded
These are the words from their mouths. And then suddenly the Judge smiled.
“I see that they need rest,” he turned to us this time, “
I ask you a favor: take our guests away
Add to hot water and wash thoroughly. Consider:
Azurshekh brought new friends to us. And to our friends, how
Everyone knows that you shouldn’t need anything.” And I know:
Others, perhaps, wanted to argue, but who would dare?

After all, as you know, words are spewed out by the Judge’s larynx
The pack of heavenly leader -
Blessed Azur.


1 Iɠār (j.). A Geart musical instrument resembling a horn.


There hasn't been anything musical for a long time. Let's get better!

(the text in Mynyak is easily searched by the title - 曼殊之剑 - but I couldn’t find the translation anywhere, alas)

Too much hair

The moment of truth has come!

I already mentioned that at the end of pollen I began to participate in experimental genetic therapy, which was supposed to correct one and a half broken genes in me and make all this vellus hair with which I was covered become real wool. I admit, at first I was very skeptical, but when the first results became visible... in general, I am terribly grateful to Berenice for signing me up.

And I won’t comment on anything. Just look at the photos: on the left is me when I was eighteen, and on the right is me a few days ago. What more can be said here?

(no, don’t ask why I have such a strange facial expression in all my photos)


I am sharing with you another joyful event! Just the day before yesterday, a friend who lives in Sneland sent me a book.

The entire Poetic Edda. In original. With an impressive preface and comments (in Sneland, but these are minor things). In short, I haven’t let it out of my hands for two days now =D

The text has been adjusted to modern Sneland spelling (for the convenience of modern readers), so it should not be read exactly as it is written. I tried to read aloud the first four verses with reconstructed 10th century pronunciation - it didn’t seem to work.


Today I will tell you what happens when you overestimate your strength. The story is simple: Zahar and I are translating the next part of “Strange Love Song,” most of which is written in hexameter. And instead of dividing the work normally over several days, they decided to do everything in a hurry: writing hexameters in Retzin is easy, isn’t it?

So, it turned out that there is nothing like that. Not only is this task in itself quite exhausting and thankless, but the author of the “Song” makes inserts in Hellenic, Folsky and Proto-Rechansky. So what, it would seem? And the fact is that the form of the classical Hellenic hexameter (which the author uses) is based on the alternation not of stressed and unstressed syllables, but of short and long ones. Classic Geartoy does this too, and the other two languages also distinguish between syllable lengths in poetry, so he built them in quite naturally.

Modern Retsinsky can’t do that, that’s the rub. And therefore, the connection of the “Retsin hexameter” with the present raises... some questions and troubles. We eventually figured out how to do this as painlessly as possible; Perhaps we’ll dedicate a separate post to this. In the meantime, stick to the very beginning - what we have already translated.

The Helshi sing of warriors - and I sing about the road,
Long and bright, warmed by the yellowest circle of the sun,
Where birds chirp and dew flows slowly through the grass,
The wind rustles here in the leaves and quickly runs away into the distance.
We have heard about peoples living closer to the north,
The sea lay between us and them; deep sea -
Who would be brave? Brave and courageous... so reckless
To swim across it? Hardly from the Djeart tribe
(I know) someone like this would be found; but people are different. And before
It happened that they surprised us. Now - and even more so.

“Ἆρ' ἀπό τοῦ Βορρᾶ ἐστέ? “You came from the north, right?” —
My friend asked this to his tall, light-haired husband.
“Ἐσμέν,” he answered briefly; After a little hesitation, he added:
Φόλλοι ἐσμέν. Καί Ῥετσᾱνοί,” he shook his head and
He pointed to his brown-haired friends with his hand. Fouls?
The same... rechans? We have never met such names.