Ezil (pt. 2)

And now I’ll explain that this happened yesterday.

In 328 AD, a terrorist attack occurred in Elery (if anyone doesn’t remember, the largest port of the then Glinnar Dimonarchy), as a result of which almost all children from ten to twenty years old were killed (by Alvan standards, children, of course). Historical sources mention it very reluctantly, but this happened, most likely, as a result of the arson of the school in which these same children were then staying.

We found records of a woman whose daughter died in this fire. Only the first few sheets have been translated so far, but even they made such an impression on me that I couldn’t sleep the whole night before yesterday—and I couldn’t calm down until I finally wrote this text. And, believe me, in comparison with the feelings that she described, they are just flowers.

We are unlikely to ever know what both Ezil and her mother looked like - we can only assume that the mother’s face was similar to the girl in the photograph.

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