Alva anthropology

And now a little anthropology.

The Glinnar Alvs have two main ethnic groups, and this is a fairly well-known fact:

  • coastal, with black hair, gray or blue eyes, dark skin and a wide lower jaw;
  • Mainland, with hair of various shades of light brown, eyes from blue to green and brown, a shorter nose, a narrow lower jaw and slanted eyes.

But the mainland ethnic group is divided into two more, and this fact is much less known. I won’t describe the differences between them, look at the photos; The most interesting thing is that there is even a slight dialect difference between them.

Some of them, apparently, never used inflected verb forms (blaha-w, dar-im, blaha-et etc.), instead they had agglutinative (blaha-i, dar-i, blaha-nei-dh), which were subsequently supplemented by analytical (seam blaha, seam dar, …). The second ones had inflectional ones, which later were forced out analytical.

Well, even among the former, the negation of the verb is not on the left, but on the right, and often merges with it.

Well, here are some photos: coastal ethnicity, mainland number one and mainland number two. These are averaged options collected from a fairly large sample - as you can see, they still differ from each other, not to say very much.

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