Star of the First House

A small find, which again requires a short historical excursion to explain.

Among the Glinnar Alvs, in addition to the two and a half ethnic groups that I showed, there was another ethnic group... which, alas, almost completely died out/assimilated. That’s why they don’t single her out now; however, I tried to poke around a little with the mouse in the graphic editor and show what they might have looked like when they were still alive.

When, even before 10,000 AD, they lived in the north of Orova, they had three ruling houses, which were called very simply: First, Second and Third. The coat of arms of the first looked like an eight-rayed star, in which the four main rays were always even and of a certain shape, and the side rays changed slightly from one personal coat of arms to another (for example, stylized as flames or something like that).

Then, when almost all of these guys were killed, the remaining members of the First House began to wear this very coat of arms star around their necks. And guess what? We found one of these. On a silver chain; made of almost pure (!) titanium. You can, of course, think that this is simple some kind star, but it doesn't really seem like a coincidence.

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