
Sorry for the silence: yesterday I had a terrible fight with a not very pleasant person, from which I am still burning. But it became the reason for writing another post.

In 457 AD, the so-called The Council of Federa was the fourth ecumenical council of the Christian church, convened on the occasion of the Imagist heresy, which was very widespread in those years. Not many people know about it, and this is not the most pleasant page in the history of Christianity - but I will try to tell you briefly.


The essence of imagism is this: God created people in his own image and likeness - and people with alves and doors perfectly correspond to this concept. But the Gearts, as a result of some sin by one of Adam’s descendants, lost their original human appearance (!), thereby paying for that ancient sin. It would be okay if it all ended there; but the followers of this teaching believed that in order to restore intimacy with God, the Geart needed to cut off its tail. Literally.

History has not recorded the number of Gearts who suffered as a result of this stunningly absurd movement - there were from several hundred to several thousand, most likely. And without a tail, a Geart immediately begins to have a lot of problems: adults constantly lose their balance, their posture is impaired, and spinal diseases progress; if the tail was cut off in early childhood, then the entire spine of such an unfortunate person develops incorrectly - but the Imagists said that this was just retribution for sin and you just need to be patient.

The Fed Council decisively debunked this heresy in just a couple of weeks, and immediately excommunicated its zealous supporters from the Church. At the same time, a resolution was adopted regarding the fact that the Gearts are considered equal in rights with people and other members of the Church, and the verse “in the image and likeness” implies, first of all, not a physical appearance, but a spiritual one. The bodily differences were explained in exactly the same way as the differences between the same human races, and in support of this they took another verse from Be-Midbar (13:21): “ some of you get food by climbing trees...”.

And the victims of this heresy are now revered as martyrs, so we can say that everything ended more or less well.

And I was upset because this certain person was asking me how I could remain a Christian after Christians had previously cut off the Gearts’ tails. Unable to stand it, I asked in response: “how can you be a socialist if your great-great-grandfather was a kulak?” Well, at this point we finally quarreled.

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