Tags (continued)

There was no post yesterday because I discovered this thing called artbreeder.com and was stuck there for about four hours. Sorry.

And now let's get back to our sheep. Everything is as usual: a piece of Lodrast, with Pre-Rechan phrases written on it in Glinnar script. And with pictures too!

It all starts with the sentence "znatsi Virꙗza ꙗko im orztolkovani", that is "the signs of Viryaz as [they were] explained to him" And then a list of these very signs with explanations (we translated them).

  1. "Third-stage doctor" (remember the previous post). The three extra stripes at the bottom show this third stage. Applied to the head and nose.
  2. "Insight" under the right eye. Nothing else is written, but this sign was given, supposedly, for success in learning.

3, 4. Signs showing the month of birth (on the right and left hand) - in this case, fierce.

  1. "Invention" on the right chest. Also not explained, but we suspect that this Viryaz came up with something like that.
  2. A personal mark applied by a priest after birth while reading a special prayer. It is clear where.
  3. "Tribal sign" on the right side. Its exact origin is not entirely clear, and screw it.
  4. "Persistence/inflexibility" on the same side. Such a sign was given to very principled and stubborn jearts =D

Further on the sheet is torn off - there is probably a continuation, but we haven't found it yet. Let's look!

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