News and drawings

Some new news!

I have delegated a good half of my responsibilities to Berenice, which is why she is now suffering just as I have been suffering for the last two weeks. However, now we have a kind of stagnation at the excavation site: already so many materials, monuments and various other finds have accumulated that you just have time to study, research, describe, translate them... well, you understand, yes. If there is something really interesting, we will tell you. And it is very likely that it will be: I heard something out of the corner of my ear about ring-plate bracers, which look quite unusual. Let's see, in short.

My hobby, related to writing art, is beginning to grow and take on terrible proportions. For example, today an idea popped into my crazy head that I just can’t get rid of. There is such an Eryakhshar poem, “Song of Strange Love,” written in the 9th-8th century BC. Tells about the love of a jeart for a person; What is characteristic is that neither the author is really known, nor even his gender.

Here's the idea. Since the poem narrates everything almost entirely in the past tense, classical translations into Retzin use the masculine gender: “did,” “remembered,” and so on. But why not, I thought, try to avoid explicitly indicating the gender of the hero of this poem? Paraphrase, change the tense, do something else so that the translation has the same unspokenness as in the original.

Zear said that I was completely gone, but if anything happened, he was ready to help. And this is very beneficial to me: he is the bearer of the modern Geartoi, and he has not changed that much over the past two-plus millennia.

And one last thing. Amazing artist Mara Voev I drew the cover for my cyberpunk writing. I am attaching the original drawing with the title already attached. Thanks her!

Good night to you.

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