
Berenice sends another greeting and is soon going back to us. Today, for example, she was on an excursion, where the guide casually mentioned that it was the Kharassukhumi doors that were the first among all the others to invent/discover some three things. Kharassukhum is generally known for its crazy leaps in technological progress and its reluctance to share its developments and patents with anyone else.

And you also know how much I love debunking myths.

  1. Electricity. False: it is attested that the Khvenvants were the first to use it. However, it was indeed the people of Kharassukhumi who were the first to use it on an industrial scale. It was not so interesting to the Hvenvants, because first of all they were interested in magical research and built their culture on magic.
  2. Friction bearing). The truth is: the very term for it, emşikkōñr, was recorded in writing as early as the third century AD. Unconditional leadership, what can I say. And if you think that this thing is not so important, then... Well, what can I say. Then the invention of the wheel is also nonsense.
  3. Powder. Here everything is immediately very bad, because three people compete for primacy: the Kharassukhumi people themselves, the Mynyak people and... suddenly, the Eryakhshar people. Yes, my Geart relatives were also no strangers and knew how to do chemistry. Previously, it was generally believed that someone must have stolen the technology from someone else, but now they have come to some kind of consensus: the invention of gunpowder happened independently in three places at once, and it is hardly possible to determine the winner here.

I wonder if they’ll ever let me into Kharassukhum after everything I’ve said here?..

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