A little more about therianthropy

Continuing the werewolf theme.

We did a little research (= we poked different buttons in the search engine for half an hour) and we would like to share the results with you. In particular, to answer the question: what happened to werewolves in our times?

Not much information is available on this subject, mainly because many people now perceive werewolfism as something of an unpleasant and rather shameful disease. Nobody walks the streets and talks about their sexually transmitted diseases, right? However, there are exceptions, and we will talk about some of them now.

We won’t go too far to the south or east: they have Yashutiya there with her kitsune, and in general the atmosphere is its own and quite specific. Let's look, again, at modern betas. And we immediately see (it’s easy to search on the Internet) that they have at least five villages where entire clans of werewolves live - and they don’t even hide!

  • two in the north of Digitania, one Lorlandian, called Kara (Carragh), the other is Kiyatlandic, Alloa (Alloa, Alamhagh). What is there, that there live people who turn into wolves;
  • two in the south of Digitania, one to the west, Botian - Trevilan (Trefilan), another to the east, Vandian - Tregir (Tregear). In the first there live both wolves and bears (!), and in the second - foxes;
  • the last one on the mainland, north-west Gesia, Duat, is called Trebryvan (Trebrivan, Trabrivan). There are foxes and wolves in it.

What is most interesting is that people from the last two listed villages have a tradition that can be traced back to the twelfth century - the Tregirians take spouses from Trebryvan, and the Trebryvanians, accordingly, vice versa. So that werewolfism is preserved and does not degenerate. And even tens of kilometers of sea don’t stop them, that’s right!

So, finally, I will appeal to all possible werewolves who are reading this text. As you can see, there are people, not too far away, who are not at all worried about the situation they find themselves in - so you too just... don't be afraid to be yourself.

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