New gay post

Another gay post, as promised.

  • Kharassukhumi doors. These people to this day don’t have a very good attitude towards homosexuality, and even more so a thousand years ago. Whether between men or between women, this is considered unethical, shameful, unnatural, and so on. After all, Mother Vecna herself forbade them to do such bad things - or at least that's what they say.
  • Glinnar alvas. For these people, everything is quite complicated, but I will try to explain it as best I can. Their culture implies that non-procreative sexual relations are frowned upon; but all varieties of love that lie outside the erotic sphere do not distinguish either gender or age at all. This was how it was before, this is how it is now, and it is unlikely that this will change in any way in the foreseeable future.
  • Saadian alvas. In general, it’s similar to the alvs above, but with a little more freedom: do what you want, but behind closed doors at home and put out the candle. That is, yes, it is also not very approved.
  • Eryakhshari dzherts. If one of you, gentlemen shippers, invents a time machine and travels to any year before the eighth century AD (and even more preferably between the fifth and seventh, or before the first), then you will be greeted with real freedom there. The Gearts there always lived in large families, which could be called prides - with the only difference being that such a pride included both men and women. If your pride produces offspring, then no one really gives a damn that you are there with men, non-men, or anyone at all. Relationships outside the pride (both same-sex and opposite-sex) were not exactly welcomed, but they were not particularly condemned either.

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