Tale of Death

Normal people drink beer on Friday night, we drink tea to finally warm up. Lord, why doesn't the hair that the Jearts are supposed to grow on me? ..

The minute of complaints is over, let's get straight to the point. We continue to sort through the documents, and along the way, Berry writes out on a piece of paper the funniest names that are found there - maybe she will post a list soon. For now, here's what I'd like to show you.

Probably, you are all familiar with the classic Alvian fairy tale about a maiden killed by her sisters and who became Death after that. She is known by the names "Tale of Death", "Lady Death" and many similar; there are variations and plot, but they are all very similar to each other.

Fewer of you may know that the modern versions of the tale are mostly edited a little and lack a fairly significant detail: in its very ending, the High Ones curse the elves with immortality because of the sin of the sisters of the maiden Death. This is exactly the unedited version we found just today. It is written in Proto-Rechanian, and is titled in classical clay as "Ar Thúannan Rheine" - "The Tale of Death". We will slowly translate it into modern Retsin and lay it out in small parts with comments on the most important details. The first piece will be very soon, wait a bit.

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