Evocations of Quijos

And again, before moving on to the main part of the post, let's take a short historical excursion.

Those of you who have practiced magic professionally may know that at least some unification of the teaching of magical sciences began at the end of the sixteenth century. It was due to the invention of the so-called. automatic enchantments and the subsequent discovery of the phenomenon of magical interference - it is precisely thanks to this abomination that we cannot make several heterogeneous magical processes work locally and simultaneously: they disrupt each other’s work and can lead to completely unexpected results. In short, people SUDDENLY began to understand that magic should have a more serious scientific basis than it had before, and therefore they finally began to listen to other people's opinions.

Before this period, there were a number of large magic schools scattered around the world, and some slightly smaller ones. They all believed that their way of teaching magic was, if not the only correct one, then certainly the best, and somehow they lived like that. On the territory of Orova, the international school/academy of Quijos was especially popular[1]anti-Orean *kʷyóh₁os "peace, quiet, quiet" - even after all major states began to have their own magical universities, enrollment there almost did not decrease.

They had two fundamental principles: firstly, learning should begin as early as possible and as naturally as a child is taught to talk. Modern science fully shares this principle, but they have a lot of complaints about the second: Quijos apologists believed that:

1) language determines thinking
2) the most clearly pure, “virgin” way of thinking is reflected in the most ancient form of language,

therefore, their students (who were recruited mainly from the territory of Orova, of course) were trained to perform all sorts of invocations, evocations and other spells in their reconstruction of the proto-Orowa. The reconstruction was, however, so good that it has hardly lost its relevance even now.


In general, we found a couple of examples of Quijos evocations all from the same period. We will give them in classical post-Skadin orthography.

Toh diveh prodhehtim-de petkhoitām. Ioh celsiokh khuhntes goltead-qe.
“Let these two fly across the sky to the previously marked land. I will shelter them from the wind and cold.”

Kerps hmei khuhnteh persoit ei krucheh, volcōis, skukhtih hgneghbhi-qe ins svecs trhgscoch.
“My body will be dissolved by the wind if I harm six of them with blood, hair, skin and nails.”


1 anti-Orean *kʷyóh₁os "peace, quiet, quiet"

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