🐸 with the environment of you, dear dudes. We found a funny little thing, we hasten to share. The beginning of the Book of Times in Prarechansk (!), transcribed into poetic form (!!), written in vertical Glinnar writing (!!!). It can be seen that the scribe was well versed in the phonetics of the language, and came up with two funny solutions: to designate h with the symbol for /θ/, and j — with the symbol for /ð/. Moreover, it consistently denotes vowel length A, at, and, and writes eps as short /u/ and /i/. In general, see for yourself.
Romance transliteration of the Glinnar text:
bhunìmàìte mì liùbà bràtriià
nathętì bo sę seì pobhêstì skoro
ne otu zidàniià mìrà; otu bhermenu bezthasnỳchu
ìz glǫbokỳ bezdubnỳ
iàko timà slobhesà nàràdhàieti
tako zhe bogu odìnu bhuzstà ùbo
munogỳì create; nu dùsêchu têchu
pęti bêshę krêputsì; sǫti zhe nathęla
Normalized Clementine with specified shock stops:
Hear me, dear brother,
start bo sѧ̀ this story soon
not from the dawn of the world - from the timeless,
From deep abyss.
Ꙗko darkness of words naradzhayet,
the same god alone rises up.
Do a lot of things, don't mind those
five more crosses, the net has begun.
PS I almost died while rewriting everything. Put the vertical letter in Unicode somehow, please!