And a little more Acherus

Yesterday we had a very stressful day in a good way, on which we were finally able to take a break from the bad weather, and from a disgusting mood, and simply from fatigue. Sponsor of a successful weekend - Acherus!

First of all, we went to bed last night somewhere around three in the morning. At first Acherus played the violin, then Berenice brought a lute, I grabbed the guitar - we ended up having a very sudden and amateur concert. I don’t remember exactly who, but someone opened a bottle of wine, and the evening was a great success.

Further, I can say with confidence that Acherus is the best sleeper? Solezhets? which only I had: he just passed out instantly and slept until the morning. He also smells like oranges.

In the morning we gave up on all our business and went to Hveitstad, to the sea. And they walked along the shore and around the city itself until the evening, until they were completely numb. And then they drove to the very outskirts of the city, went out to a deserted beach where there was no one, and Acherus showed his Dragar magic in action. With just a few words, he created such a fire show that our jaws dropped at once - it seems no one even thought to start filming.

When the time came to leave, we said goodbye to our new comrade for a very long time. He promised to come more often, and we will wait for him.

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