With you is the very fickle column "news of the week" and its permanent host - me. That is, Andrey.

In fact, first let's say that the week in general turned out to be pretty tough. Lots of paperwork, lots of sitting at the sources until late, little time for rest. But we're coping! And now on to the news.

First of all, I am slowly turning from a historian into a writer. I am not posting this new thing here for obvious reasons: it has absolutely nothing to do with what we are doing. But I will still throw a link to it, in case someone is interested. And I have to warn you: be careful, it is not quite, ahem, traditional.

Here it is: https://ficbook.net/readfic/10255887, my first attempt at cyberpunk. And, as promised: Oksana, I started posting it!

Secondly, the story of Zear's unsuccessful matchmaking continued. Yesterday afternoon, the same lady who had been throwing peas at him, and whom he had then unleashed on the honest people, showed up. This time, there was no physical violence: she simply came to apologize for what had happened. Zear listened to her a little cautiously, and then suggested that they meet somehow and somewhere. In Hveitstad, for example.

Anyway, I'm constantly cracking jokes about his upcoming marriage, and he's growling and snapping. At least he doesn't bite, so thank goodness for that.

This is where the column comes to an end, and we along with it. That is, we are going to indulge in idleness and idleness.

Don't get sick!

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