Tale of Death

Normal people drink beer on Friday night, we drink tea to finally warm up. Lord, why doesn't the hair that the Jearts are supposed to grow on me? ..

The minute of complaints is over, let's get straight to the point. We continue to sort through the documents, and along the way, Berry writes out on a piece of paper the funniest names that are found there - maybe she will post a list soon. For now, here's what I'd like to show you.

Probably, you are all familiar with the classic Alvian fairy tale about a maiden killed by her sisters and who became Death after that. She is known by the names "Tale of Death", "Lady Death" and many similar; there are variations and plot, but they are all very similar to each other.

Fewer of you may know that the modern versions of the tale are mostly edited a little and lack a fairly significant detail: in its very ending, the High Ones curse the elves with immortality because of the sin of the sisters of the maiden Death. This is exactly the unedited version we found just today. It is written in Proto-Rechanian, and is titled in classical clay as "Ar Thúannan Rheine" - "The Tale of Death". We will slowly translate it into modern Retsin and lay it out in small parts with comments on the most important details. The first piece will be very soon, wait a bit.


🐸 with the environment of you, dear dudes. We found a funny little thing, we hasten to share. The beginning of the Book of Times in Prarechansk (!), transcribed into poetic form (!!), written in vertical Glinnar writing (!!!). It can be seen that the scribe was well versed in the phonetics of the language, and came up with two funny solutions: to designate h with the symbol for /θ/, and j — with the symbol for /ð/. Moreover, it consistently denotes vowel length A, at, and, and writes eps as short /u/ and /i/. In general, see for yourself.

Romance transliteration of the Glinnar text:

bhunìmàìte mì liùbà bràtriià
nathętì bo sę seì pobhêstì skoro
ne otu zidàniià mìrà; otu bhermenu bezthasnỳchu
ìz glǫbokỳ bezdubnỳ
iàko timà slobhesà nàràdhàieti
tako zhe bogu odìnu bhuzstà ùbo
munogỳì create; nu dùsêchu têchu
pęti bêshę krêputsì; sǫti zhe nathęla

Normalized Clementine with specified shock stops:

Hear me, dear brother,
start bo sѧ̀ this story soon
not from the dawn of the world - from the timeless,
From deep abyss.
Ꙗko darkness of words naradzhayet,
the same god alone rises up.
Do a lot of things, don't mind those
five more crosses, the net has begun.

PS I almost died while rewriting everything. Put the vertical letter in Unicode somehow, please!

We, as they say, have arrived.

Actually, nothing too critical. Just a small problem that we can't solve yet. If everything is clear with auto-posting: the bot just got terribly bugged by itself, then everything is much more interesting with a photo. After what happened here, we took a couple of dozen photos and just started sending them to each other in all possible messengers. After sending, each of them became something like this piece of black nothing; some, moreover, changed the format.

Then we twisted the levels of some of them in graphic editors - they are not completely black, they look more like very low-contrast noise, except! the first couple of tens of pixels that stand out from the overall picture (see screenshots below). It looks like some kind of steganography, but how exactly something is encrypted (if it is encrypted), one devil knows, and there’s not much time to poke around, so we’ll figure it out somehow later. Oh, and one more thing - hex editors say that such files completely lack all metadata.

About the reasons for this. I (Andrey) never understand this, but Berenice claims, and with her also two specialists with whom we contacted, that this is some kind of protective magic. I’m really very interested in what kind of magic should be, so that, being superimposed even before the Middle Ages, it could change the format of images and encrypt all sorts of shit there. Anivey, we are unlikely to do this already, for now we are just waiting for specialists.

But there is also good news: magic reacts favorably to photographs of drawings of these monuments. We have found an artist who will draw certain things for us, and we will show and explain everything to you. Keep in touch and try not to get sick!

Everything is very bad

Great: not only did telegram auto-posting break, something else happened to the photos. Now let's fix everything, aaaaaa

PS It always seemed to me that my tianwei shoots in * .jpg. What the hell is it anyway?

UPD: posting fixed, we still don’t understand what’s wrong with the photo

Book of Times

Shoto is very tired, he has no strength to write anything, so here are two pictures for you to start with, which we were allowed to take. The cover and first spread of the Book of Times, written and designed so far, presumably around the first century, in the classical clay. As you can see, we already have experts involved, so everything is generally very good.

Hi all!

It's damp outside and the weather is nasty. Nevertheless, the history department of the Rozhev National University (Rechan), in cooperation with the history department of the Uzovsky State University (Retsinia), for no reason at all decided to organize excavations near the Rudom Sea coast, near Hveitstad. The idea was initially received without much enthusiasm, but now a week has passed, and on the first day we found something that is really very wow. The buried underground ... storage is not a storage, the hell knows, in a word, but with such stocks of various literature that some modern libraries would envy. The scientific works of the Alvs-dualists, the annals of the Kharassukhum dwarves, some Geart recipes… It’s probably easier to say what isn’t there.

Such luck is rare, of course, and therefore the question of authenticity has surfaced. But judging by the fact that some of the historical information that we find there (and this entire pile of documents dates back to the first half of the fourth century for the most part) repeats the data already known to us, then more likely yes than no. In short: there is a lot of interesting stuff in there that is very likely to be true. Because we (Andryukha Ashaҫҫҫҍҙҙyya and Berry Rushkaronzav), having asked permission from our powers that be, we decided to start this blog to show people the most delicious of what we find.

Stay with us and stay tuned for updates!