
Seventeenth runic verse.

ᛏ (týr)


⋅ᛏ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᛏᛁᚹᛟᚱᛉ ᛏᚨᚲᛊᛚᚨᚢᛊᛊ ᚨᛊᛊ
ᛟᚲ ᚹᚢᛚᚠᛊ ᚨᚾᛞᚺᛚᚨᚢᛈ
ᛟᚲ ᚢᚱᚷᛁᚾᚷ ᛏᚨᚾᚾᚨ


t (tiuz) ez tiworz takslauss ass
ok wulfs andhlaup
ok urging tanna

Normalized spelling:

Týr er tivorr, takslauss ǫ́ss
ok ulfs andhlaup
ok urging tanna


Tyr is a god, an Áss without a grip,
and wolf's suffocation,
and gnashing of teeth.

Electricity from magic

We all love and respect renewable energy sources. This is understandable — you won’t last long on oil and gas alone. Wind, solar, hydroelectric power plants — all this is well known and familiar to us.

But what if it were possible to create electricity from (almost) pure magic?

The prospect seems very tempting. Indeed: build yourself a turbine, build some kind of magical construct that would rotate it, and get almost free electricity. Much less energy will be spent on building such a construct than will be obtained in the result in the form of electricity, so, it seems?..

Of course, if it were that simple, then at least 100 MW and at least one such station would be built. But we don't see this. So what are the problems?

  1. Magical interference. In theory, it could happen that someone else close enough to the station uses magic, in which case the construct created to rotate the turbine would interfere with it. The results... may vary, and they are all varying degrees of trouble.
  2. Let's assume that such a power plant is very well isolated. Then the next problem arises: adjustability. It will be very difficult to stop and start them again if there is such a need, because changing already made constructs is... difficult. Sometimes it's almost impossible.
  3. And even if we assume that some kind of clever construct was built that can be turned on and off at will, the last problem multiplies everything by zero. Just as magical matter affects physical matter, processes occurring in physical matter can affect magical matter. In particular, high-energy electromagnetic fields.

To put it a little more simply, a trivial magnetic field in the turbine stator windings can lead to deformation of the entire magical construct and scenarios with approximately the same degree of despondency as in point 2 earlier. And what’s most disgusting is that we don’t know how to prevent this and, to be honest, we consider it hardly possible.

So, alas, no free electricity yet! We live on what we have.


Sixteenth runic verse.

ᛊ (sól)


⋅ᛊ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᛊᛁᚷᛚᚨᚱᛁ ᛁ ᛊᚨᚹᚢᛗ ᚺᚨᚹᚢᛗ
ᛟᚲ ᚷᛚᛁᚢᛃᚨ ᚷᛖᛒᚨᚾᛞᛁ
ᛟᚲ ᚷᚢᛚᛚᛁᛏ ᚱᛖᚷᚾ


s (sol) ez siglari i sawum hawum
ok gliuja gebandi
ok gullit regn

Normalized spelling:

Sól er siglari i sævum hǫ́vum
ok glyja gefandi
ok gullit regn


The sun is a sailor in the high seas,
and a giver of joy,
and a golden rain.

Jearths and trousers

Between work and even more work I was able to find some time for a short post. Literally about the very pants I’m sitting in right now.

Well, to be completely honest, not so literally. It's just... have you ever wondered why modern jearths even wear clothes? We have fur, which completely protects us from the cold, so what’s the point of putting something else on ourselves?

To answer this question, we need to look into history—as always. We can start, actually, from the third or fourth century AD. At that time, Orobean jearths lived very compactly on one small piece of territory; they rarely allowed outsiders in, and if they did, it was under the almost obligatory condition that they would strip naked. The Eryakhsharian jearths of that time did not accept clothing and believed that those wearing it were ashamed of their body—and, as a result, treated them with contempt.

What has changed? First, Christianity, which did not really encourage public nudity, penetrated into early medieval Eryakhshar. It, however, did not have any particular influence, but several centuries later Eryakhshar was conquered by the Biniz. And so Islam, which they observed, imposed a very strict ban on nudity.

The jearths had two options: to be stoned or to put some kind of cloth on themselves. And it is obvious that the majority chose the second option. At first, of course, no one liked it all, but then they somehow got used to it.

Now social morals (at least in Orobe) have softened somewhat, but still not completely. That is, few people require jearths to wear shirts, but the rules of public decency still oblige them to wear pants.

What is my opinion? I don't like pants. Moving the tail is not very convenient.


We decided to bring you some Glinnarian religion. So you loosen up a bit.

In fact, one of our acquaintances has recently been to Sordhaw, visited several museums there, and he managed to take the photo which you can see above. And we decided it was a good reason for a post.

One of the most interesting things about the beliefs of the Glinnarian elves is that their religion is based on many events that actually happened to them in the course of their historical development. It is quite difficult to restore the context of many of them, and therefore it is difficult to understand where the pure truth, where the embellished one, and where fiction is. Therefore, treat what I wrote below with a grain of salt.

Glinnarian sources (historical and religious) claim that before 10,000 BC, the elves who lived in the territories of modern Orobe, repeatedly contacted and communicated with some... entities, whom they called The Highest Ones. Their main characteristics are:

  1. They are incorporeal themselves, but they can take a visible form (sometimes a very peculiar one—more on that below).
  2. Physically, they cannot influence matter, but magically they surely can; and in this regard, their strength is incredibly great.
  3. There are five of them, each personifies one of the elements: fire, water, air, earth and thunder.
  4. They were revered by the elves somewhere at the level of modern Christian angels, perhaps.

There is a lot more to be said about them, but I'd better move on to the topic of the post. The forms The Highest Ones took ranged from comparatively anthropomorphic ones to something downright phantasmagorical, and many of these have been described and/or sketched.

So, the image above is the icon of Fádhalear/Fodaleir, the Fire Highest One (in his most anthropomorphic form). Dating back to 1235 AD, it was modeled after contemporary Hellenic icons. It does not have any religious value, it was written solely for aesthetic reasons.

The text along the edges is translated as follows: ‘He shaped those five from the nothingness, and they gathered minds out of the hollow, and the first burned like a flame, and exuded great heat; thus he was named Fodaleir, the Fireness’.

AO3 Debut

It happened last week, but I decided to post this only now. I just wasn't up to it before.

In general, we (Andrew and Zeār; as you can see, we've been doing everything together lately) made our debut on Archive of Our Own! In English, moreover. Most likely, we will also post our works in other languages, but it is not yet clear when.

Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/fayanzar. Read, comment, like!


Every time we say that “something will be ready in a couple of days”, this whole epic stretches for at least a week. So now we even met the deadlines, one might say.

More meteorites!

Since we last talked about this almost two years ago, I recommend that you first read this and this posts. And now to business.

In various old Glinnarian documents, there are not too detailed, but quite complete descriptions of this very sword—Cairfhádh, Striking Flame. Complete enough so it can be sketched (provided, of course, the sword really existed). While Zēar was busy with YouTube and other things, I (Andrew) decided to do just that.

So far, the model is not complete, but I can already show some of its parts. I hope that one of these days I will make the final render, in which everything will surely be very impressive and beautiful.


Fifteenth rune poem.

ᛉ (ęlgr[1]The name of this rune in the Elder Futhark is unknown to us. In Old English it is eolh, "moose" - and since in the verse ... Continue reading)


⋅ᚨ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᚨᚠᛚᚢᚷᛏ ᚢᚷᚷᛚᚨᚢᛊᛏ ᛞᛁᚢᛉ
ᚺᚨᚾᛊ ᚺᚨᛚᛞᚷᛟᛞ ᚺᛟᚱᚾ
ᚺᚨᛒᛃᚨ ᛊᚲᛁᚢ


a (algz) ez aflugt ugglaust diuz
hans haldgod horn
habja skiu

Normalized spelling:

Ęlgr er ǫflugt, ugglaust dýr
Hans haldgóð horn
hęfja ský


Elk is a powerful, fearless beast.
Its durable antlers
heave clouds.


1 The name of this rune in the Elder Futhark is unknown to us. In Old English, it is eolh, 'elk' — and since this verse refers to a strong horned beast, it is reasonable to assume that here it is also 'elk'.

More 3D Zēar

Now we can reveal some of our secrets. The thing is that…

Zēar decided to become a VTuber. Just don't ask. Also, I do not recommend asking why he needs a 3D version of himself, if he can quite simply record himself on video. Anyway, we have some progress we wanted to share with you!