We have two news.

First, we put a hat.

Secondly, we are temporarily retraining as a culinary public. We found a recipe, again in Prarechansky, and again in Alvian vertical writing. It looks something like this: “take a large piece of pork, make a seasoning of olives from olives, thyme and pepper, ...”, which, as it were, is not very useful, therefore we offer you our own version.

For 0.5 kilo of pork:
- two tablespoons of honey
- three tablespoons of wine
- one tablespoon of olive oil
- black pepper
- thyme
– rosemary
– basil
- mint

Pour a tablespoon of oleia into a bowl, add thyme, rosemary, pepper, basil and mint, mix thoroughly. We put on a low fire, pour in the wine and, stirring, put the honey. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and let it cool slightly. Wash the meat well, marinate in the resulting sauce, and then salt it with coarse salt on all sides. We leave it for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, put the meat in the baking sleeve - and into the oven. Bake for an hour, take out and you're done - you're great.

PS The recipe is signed in Hellenic as ΚΡΕΟΚΑΚΚΑΒΟΣ - so this is a very real and modern dish with a similar recipe. Here is confirmation that meat with honey never becomes obsolete.

Ar Thúannan Rheine (part 3 last)

Here is the finish line!


At the dawn of the seventh day, two sisters came to Lonnduyan, and all the High Ones met them.

“Look at the lake, how silent and deep it is,” said Ilidas. Look at the sun, how bright and far away it is. And the dew on the grass shines like bright pearls. Gather the water of the lake, the dew of herbs and the sun's rays, and make a potion from them, after drinking which, the soul will forget all its worries - and rest in peace.

Guataerim collected sweet-smelling dew from the herbs and went to the lake, intending to scoop up water - but no matter how hard she tried, the lake became shallow and ran away from her hands, and then filled with water again. Then she took her thread and threw it from one bank to another, and she herself went along it to the very middle of the water surface and scooped up water from there, and this time she did not escape from her.

She looked at the sky and threw the thread all the way to the sun, and she herself stood on it and went up. So she walked, collecting the sun's rays, and suddenly, as if a burst of fire was born in front of her, and she saw Afadar, who came out of the flame.

“You are doing well, my daughter,” he said to her. “But tell me, why didn’t your sister come to us today?”

Alva shook her head in displeasure, but fear wrapped around her heart.

“Am I my sister's keeper?[1]you see it too, right? TOO similar for a mere coincidence, and even the second time in a row. Very strange;she asked.

Afadar did not answer anything and simply disappeared, but the thread of the sun touched for too long and flared from its heat, and Guataerim would have crashed to the ground, but the boat picked it up and gently lowered it to the ground.

Leidahann collected light pearly dew from the grasses and stretched out her hand up, intending to grab the sunbeam, but every time the sun was covered by clouds and slipped out of her hands. Then she got up in her boat and flew up, over the clouds, and took the light of the sun into her hands, and this time it did not escape her.

She looked at the lake, got into the boat and swam along the dark blue surface. So she swam and drew water from the lake, and suddenly white water flowers blossomed before her, and she saw Igrenna emerging from them.

“You are doing well, my daughter,” she said to her. “But tell me, why didn’t your sister come to us today?”

Alva winced displeasedly, but fear wrapped around her thoughts.

“Am I my sister's keeper?[2]you see it too, right? TOO similar for a mere coincidence, and even the second time in a row. Very strange;she asked.

Igrenna did not answer and simply disappeared, but the boat let it flow and began to take on water, and Leidahann would have drowned, but she caught a thread on the shore and climbed out along it.

The sisters made a potion, but did not boast before the Higher Ones, but simply silently handed it to them. They tried everything by the throat, and then gave it back to the sisters.

“Try for yourself what you have prepared,” said Ilidas, and although she was calm, the sisters did not argue with her.

I tried my Gwataerim potion, and I tried my Leydahann potion, but it was unbearably bitter, and neither one nor the other could take a sip, but simply spat on the ground.

“The blood of your sister is on your hands,” said Agarad, and the sky was covered with clouds, and a thunderclap was heard.

"That's why it is bitter - it is the taste of evil," said Ilidas, and the heavens seemed to open, and the first drops of rain fell to the ground.

“Murderers,” said Avetu, and the wind blew like a wild storm right in their faces.

“The voice of your sister calls to us from the earth, she groans, having absorbed the bitter brew, so you will be cursed by this earth and driven out! You will wander far from your people, and you will not be able to complete a single creation that you have begun, for you will lose your clarity of mind and forget who you were. And your people will be cursed all along with you for their vanity and pride, and your years will stretch endlessly, they will fall like autumn leaves, and you will fully feel that there is death and that there are changes, until you fade, do not fade away buried under the weight of years[3]this is the same piece that you will not find anywhere in modern versions;. Get away!”

And Guataerim and Leydahann fled, disgraced and weeping, away from the lands of the Alfs, and never appeared there again.

And the Highest came to Karnah Afras[4]forgot to indicate in the previous part: Carnach Aphras, "Light Gray Hill"., and touched the lips of Avetu to the weeping earth, and Seangorakh rose from her ashes, beautiful as before, but her eyes were sad, and she did not utter a word. The High Ones dressed her in a white dress, and Agarad was the first to approach her.

“You weaved, you wove a thread from fog and wind, but why do you need it, since your eyes shine like the brightest light?” And he fell on his knees before her, and kissed the ground at her feet.

The second Ilidas approached her.

“From the breath of the mountains and the radiance of the moon you built a boat, but why do you need it, since your hands are snow-white wings?” - and she fell on her knees before her, and kissed the ground at her feet.

The last Avetu approached her.

“You could not prepare a potion from dew, water and the rays of the sun, but why do you need it, since your tears are the pearls of the sea?” And he fell prostrate before her, and lay for a long time, not daring to get up.

Since then, Seangorah began to accompany the dead on their last journey, and many leaves have fallen since that day. More than once she wept over how brothers kill brothers, how an untimely death overtakes the living, and her grief made her old, and she lost all her beauty. Her hair was covered with gray, wrinkles furrowed her face, and she herself was bent from the weight of her burden. Only her hands, stained with her blood, did not age, and remained as snow-white and fragile as many centuries ago.


1, 2 you see it too, right? TOO similar for a mere coincidence, and even the second time in a row. Very strange;
3 this is the same piece that you will not find anywhere in modern versions;
4 forgot to indicate in the previous part: Carnach Aphras, "Light Gray Hill".

Ar Thúannan Rheine (Part 2)

Hello, hello, here comes the second part.


Three virgins came to Salea-oh-Ramar at sunset on the fifth day, and all the Highest met them.

“Listen and hear the silent breath of the mountains,” said Agarad, “see the moon shining in the cold sky. May each of you build a boat out of the moonlight and breathe the breath of the mountains into it, so that it takes its soul away into the sky and does not drown in the starless mist.

She sharpened Guataerim the light of the moon, bent it with her hands, gave it shape - and now, the bends of the boat were already visible. But she was too light, and any gust of wind carried her away; she was too fragile and could easily crumble into dust. Then Guataerim absorbed the breath of the mountains and breathed lightly on the boat, and it embodied in essence, and hung in the air, like a bright star.

Leidahann took in the mountain air, expelled it from her chest, and acquired that shape, became visible and tangible. And the boat was already ready, but it was too heavy and could not take off, it was too transparent and did not hold even the lightest leg. Then Leidahann gathered the light of the moon into a handful and covered the boat with it, and it embodied in essence, and hung in the air, like a white light.

Seangorakh danced along with the moon on a starry night, was silent along with the mountains, and her dance was the dance of beech shoots, and her silence was the silence of proud pines, and they lined up far and high, beyond the sky and the stars.

Morning came, and Agarad said to them:

"Show me your work!"

Leidahann came out first and showed everyone her boat, built as if from white birches.

“Look how gently my boat floats, and no one will fall out of it!” - she put a full jug in it and flew around the mountain, and not a drop of water spilled from the jug.

The second Guataerim came out and showed everyone her boat, built as if from strong oak.

“Look how fast and swift my boat is, no one will notice how it sailed!” - she stepped into the boat and flew around the mountain, and no one understood when she started flying and when she finished.

The third Seangorakh came out and showed everyone her boat, built as if from a gray alder.

“I have nothing to boast about, lord,” she bowed her head. “My boat swings on the waves of clouds and flies much slower than a flash of lightning…”

Her sisters were proud, and Agarad already wanted to say goodbye to her, but the sun rose, and illuminated the boat, and inflated her sails, and she sailed up, cutting the clouds, as if there were no obstacles for her.

The Highest admired, and Agarad smiled, looking at Seangorakh. But her sisters were offended and envied her.

Then Ilidas came out and said:

“All three of you are worthy, but we could not determine the best. Come to Lonnduyan[1]Lonnduian, "Lake Hollow"; in seven days, and then we will decide which of you will receive our gift.”

Days passed, and the envy of the first two sisters for the third grew, and one day Guataerim said:

“How long will it continue like this, that our sister will make us a laughingstock?”

“And that’s true,” agreed Leidahann. “Because of her, the Higher Ones don’t put us in anything. We must make sure that she does not come to the third test.

They came to their sister at the end of the fifth day and said to her:

"Young Wine Day is Coming"[2]one of the names of the holiday of the spring equinox;and we want to give you a present, sister. Meet us at midnight at Karnah Afras and we will come."

She believed the sisters Seagnorach, because she trusted them, and they did not show their evil intention by word or movement.

Midnight was approaching, and the sisters went out to Karnach Afras. The way was far, and a wide steppe stretched before them, as they left the village. As soon as Guataerim wanted to step on the tall grass, she parted, and crawled out in front of her.

"Evil is at your feet," he hissed. - Attracts you, but will you succumb? Darkness is not light, rise above it"[3]a very strange parallelism that looks like an allusion to Scripture (see Brsh 4:7, “…sin lies at the door…”). … Continue reading.

But the alva grimaced, hissed no worse than the snake:

“The One Alvay did not create me for this, so that I would listen to the advice of creeping reptiles!” - and with her foot she kicked the old grass snake out of the way, like some kind of carrion.

The steppe was wide, and the sisters walked for a long time. But now - it ended, and trees grew before them, spruce and beeches, lindens and maples. Just as Leidahann wanted to step on dry brushwood, two fires were lit in the darkness, and a fox came out in front of her.

"Evil is in your hands," he barked. - Attracts you, but will you succumb? Darkness is not light, throw it away[4]a very strange parallelism that looks like an allusion to Scripture (see Brsh 4:7, “…sin lies at the door…”). … Continue reading.

But the alva grinned, the fox growled no worse:

“It was not for this that I was born an alva, so that red dogs would point me!” - she picked up a stone from the ground and launched it at the fox, but missed, and the fox disappeared among the trees.

The forest was dense, and the sisters walked for a long time. But now - it ended, and they saw mountains and hills in front of them, stretching into the distance for many fields. And just as they wanted to set foot on the stony slopes, a whistle rang out, and a tawny owl appeared in front of them.

"Evil is in your mind," she whistled. - Attracts you, but will you succumb? Darkness is not light, reject it"[5]a very strange parallelism that looks like an allusion to Scripture (see Brsh 4:7, “…sin lies at the door…”). … Continue reading.

But the sisters simply passed by, and for a long time their laughter resounded like a booming ring among the hills.

So they reached Karnakh Aphras, and Seangorakh was already waiting for them there, and smiled at them.

“Here it is, our gift to you, little sister! Leidahann Seangorach grabbed her hands, and Gwataerim raised a knife over her, “now there will be no one better than us!”

Guataerim stabbed her sister in the heart with a knife, and she, gasping, knelt down, pressed her palms to her chest, and they were stained with blood.

“No one should find her here,” Leidahann told her sister. “Let’s feed her body to vultures, wolves and snakes, then no one will know how she died.”

They stripped the flesh from the bones of Seangorah, and scattered the bones themselves throughout Karnah Aphras. Blood spilled on the gray stones, and the bones were covered with earth, and the moss on the stones has been brown-red since then, and every autumn the white realaes blooms on the hill.

“Crows and vultures,” shouted the Guaterim, “fly hither! Do not hesitate, you will have something to profit from!

She fell silent - and in a moment dark wings obscured the stars, and vultures and crows flew to the hills, but they did not accept the flesh of Seangorakh, but attacked the sisters, and they fled away, pursued by hoarse croaking, to the very forest.

“Wolves and bears,” Leidahann shouted, “run here! Do not hesitate, you will have something to profit from!

She fell silent - and in a moment a crunch of branches was heard, and bears and wolves ran into the forest, but they did not accept the flesh of Seangorah, but attacked the sisters, and they fled away, pursued by a formidable roar, to the very steppe.

“Snakes and vipers,” Guataerim shouted again, “crawl here! Do not hesitate, you will have something to profit from!

She fell silent - and in a moment a rustle of grass was heard, and vipers and snakes crawled into the steppe, but did not accept those flesh of Seangorakh, but attacked the sisters, and they fled away, pursued by an evil hiss, to the very village.


1 Lonnduian, "Lake Hollow";
2 one of the names of the holiday of the spring equinox;
3, 4, 5 a very strange parallelism that looks like an allusion to Scripture (see Brsh 4:7, “…sin lies at the door…”). It is unlikely that the Alvs in the fourth century, or even earlier, would have made such references - it means that either the borrowing happened much earlier in the opposite direction, or this is a very suspicious coincidence.

Ar Thúannan Rheine (Part 1)

Long ago, when the North Star rose in the south, all the peoples of the world were mortal. Everyone lived his measured time, and then left, realizing that his hour had come. But here's one trouble - the souls did not know where to go after death, and so they wandered for days, months, years, until they found their last refuge.

It was a pity to the Highest of these unfortunates, and they decided to choose one of them, the one for whom the path between that world and this one would be open, so that he could show the way to those who had passed away.

Agarad and Afadar went out to a high mountain at sunrise, and people with snakes stood before them.[1]this is how dragars are called here;silently listening.

“My children! Choose the most worthy of you, the one who will be led the way out of Marraid, and he will be able to show it to those who have left the life of the world.

The snakes thought during the day, and the snakes thought during the night, and at dawn their leader came out and bowed his head.

"Father! It is a great honor to fulfill your request, but none of us can do it. You gave us wings so that we could fly from one end of the world to the other, like a thunderstorm, you gave us freedom, and we cannot refuse it.

There were no dissenters, but Agarad understood his children like no one else, and returned with nothing.

Three days people thought, and three nights people thought, and at dawn their leader came out and bowed his head.

"Father! You do us a great honor, but we cannot fulfill your request. You put fire into our hearts to ignite once a great flame and crumble into ashes - can we really leave your gift to create Creation, even once in a lifetime?

There were no dissenters, but Afadar understood his children like no one else, and returned with nothing.

Igrenna and Ilidas descended into the wide valley at sunrise, and the geartes with the dwarves stood before them, silently listening.

“My children! Is there anyone among you who desires that the way outside Marraid be opened for him, so that he can see off those who leave it forever?

Five days the dwarves thought, and five nights the dwarves thought, and at dawn their leader came out and bowed his head.

"Mother! We are ashamed to refuse you, but we cannot do otherwise. You created us like a vine that intertwines with everything that meets on the way - so what can we do if we tear each of those whom we see off from ourselves with a part of our heart?

There were no dissenters, but Igrenna understood her children like no one else, and returned with nothing.

Seven days the Jearts thought, and seven nights the Jearts thought, and at dawn their leader came out and bowed his head.

"Mother! We have no strength to refuse you, but we cannot agree either. Like drops of water, we dry up one by one, so how can one of us live, being far from the others?

There were no dissenters, but Ilidas understood her children like no one else, and returned with nothing.

Avetu came to the elves at sunrise, and said to them:

“My children! Will you find someone who can walk through Marride's fabric and help those who have left make their way to the end?"

Nine days the elves thought, and nine nights the elves thought, and at dawn three of them went out and did not bow their heads.[2]beautiful parallelism, in modern versions for some reason it does not occur: usually everyone just exits, ... Continue reading.

There were three of their maidens; the braids were the first to reach the waist, and they were the color of the black velvet of the night. Her dark eyes are two bottomless wells: it is easy to fall in, but not to get out.

"Name yourself!" Aveta said.

“My name is Guataerim, Thick Mist,” she said. “All my life I have wanted to know what awaits us after death, and now you do us the great honor of allowing us to know both life and death. I will show everyone his path, and no one will deviate from it.

The braids of the second reached the knees, and they were the color of thick gold rye. Her blue eyes are a high bright sky: it is easy to take off, but how not to fall down.

"Name yourself!" Aveta said.

“My name is Leidahann, Bright Memory,” she said. “All my life I dreamed of seeing those who were close to me, but I left too soon, and now I can meet them again. I will lead everyone, and no one will get lost along the way.

The scythes of the third reached the ground, and they were the color of the ashes of only an extinct fire. Her deep eyes are a twinkling starry height: so far, so close.

"Name yourself!" Aveta said.

“My name is Seangorah, Light of the Soul,” she said. “I am unworthy of the honor that you do me, but I really want to help those who cannot find their last path. I am far from the best person to offer my help, but I promise that I will do everything in my power to ensure that every soul is where it should be.

And she came to the liking of Avet more than two others, for she was modest and pure in soul.

“Three of you left, but only one will receive our gift,” said Avetu. — Come to Kaev-nu-Fal[3]Caemh-nú-Fhal, "Rock under the Sea"??? in three days, and then we will decide which of you is more worthy to receive it.

Three virgins came to Kaev-nu-Fal at the dawn of the third day, and all the High Ones met them.

“Fog lies over the sea,” said Avetu, “and the wind will not dispel it. So let each of you weave a thread of wind and fog, thin and strong, so that it can lead the soul through the Sea and not break under the burden of its thoughts.

Gwataerim fingered the mist with her fingers, weaved the wind into it, but that wind was too strong, and tore the drops of mist apart. Then Guataerim cut off a strand of her hair, blue-black, and tied the wind with it, and wove it with a silvery haze.

Leidahann caught the wind in handfuls and passed through the fog, but it was too thick and did not allow the wind to blow. Then Leidahann cut off the hem of her dress, wove it into thin threads, and stitched the fog with them, and let the wind pass through it.

Seangorakh sang with the wind, mourned with the fog, and her tears are gray flax, and her voice is silver silk; they intertwined among themselves and stretched into the distance, away beyond the window.

Evening came, and Avetu said to them:

"Show me your work!"

The first Guataerim came out and showed everyone her thread, the color of the dawn mist.

“Look, my thread is strong, and nothing will cut it!” She took out a sharply sharpened knife, hit the thread with it, and the knife split in two.

The second Leidahann came out and showed everyone her thread, the color of fresh milk.

“Look how smooth and soft my thread is, it won’t cut anyone!” - she wrapped it around her arm and pulled with all her might, and did not leave a trace of the thread on it.

The third Seangorah came out and showed everyone her thread, the color of white gold.

“I have nothing to boast about, lord,” she bowed her head. “And the knife cuts my thread, and it itself is far from being so soft as not to injure the skin ...”

Her sisters were proud, and Avetu wanted to say goodbye to her, but the sun went down - and the thread began to shine with starry silver, and the night became as bright as day.

The Higher Ones admired, and smiled at Avet, looking at Seangorah. But her sisters were offended and envied her.

Then Agarad came out and said:

“All three of you are worthy, but we could not determine the best. Come to Salea-oh-Ramar[4]Selea-oi-Ramhàr, "Slope on the River". It is not very clear whether these are allegorical names of some real places, or ... Continue reading in five days, and then we will decide which of you will receive our gift.”


1 this is how dragars are called here;
2 beautiful parallelism, for some reason it does not occur in modern versions: usually everyone just goes out, refuses, but does not bow their heads;
3 Caemh-nú-Fhal, "Rock under the Sea"???
4 Selea-oi-Ramhàr, "Slope on the River". It is not very clear whether these are allegorical names of some real places, or just something abstract.

Tale of Death

Normal people drink beer on Friday night, we drink tea to finally warm up. Lord, why doesn't the hair that the Jearts are supposed to grow on me? ..

The minute of complaints is over, let's get straight to the point. We continue to sort through the documents, and along the way, Berry writes out on a piece of paper the funniest names that are found there - maybe she will post a list soon. For now, here's what I'd like to show you.

Probably, you are all familiar with the classic Alvian fairy tale about a maiden killed by her sisters and who became Death after that. She is known by the names "Tale of Death", "Lady Death" and many similar; there are variations and plot, but they are all very similar to each other.

Fewer of you may know that the modern versions of the tale are mostly edited a little and lack a fairly significant detail: in its very ending, the High Ones curse the elves with immortality because of the sin of the sisters of the maiden Death. This is exactly the unedited version we found just today. It is written in Proto-Rechanian, and is titled in classical clay as "Ar Thúannan Rheine" - "The Tale of Death". We will slowly translate it into modern Retsin and lay it out in small parts with comments on the most important details. The first piece will be very soon, wait a bit.


🐸 with the environment of you, dear dudes. We found a funny little thing, we hasten to share. The beginning of the Book of Times in Prarechansk (!), transcribed into poetic form (!!), written in vertical Glinnar writing (!!!). It can be seen that the scribe was well versed in the phonetics of the language, and came up with two funny solutions: to designate h with the symbol for /θ/, and j — with the symbol for /ð/. Moreover, it consistently denotes vowel length A, at, and, and writes eps as short /u/ and /i/. In general, see for yourself.

Romance transliteration of the Glinnar text:

bhunìmàìte mì liùbà bràtriià
nathętì bo sę seì pobhêstì skoro
ne otu zidàniià mìrà; otu bhermenu bezthasnỳchu
ìz glǫbokỳ bezdubnỳ
iàko timà slobhesà nàràdhàieti
tako zhe bogu odìnu bhuzstà ùbo
munogỳì create; nu dùsêchu têchu
pęti bêshę krêputsì; sǫti zhe nathęla

Normalized Clementine with specified shock stops:

Hear me, dear brother,
start bo sѧ̀ this story soon
not from the dawn of the world - from the timeless,
From deep abyss.
Ꙗko darkness of words naradzhayet,
the same god alone rises up.
Do a lot of things, don't mind those
five more crosses, the net has begun.

PS I almost died while rewriting everything. Put the vertical letter in Unicode somehow, please!

We, as they say, have arrived.

Actually, nothing too critical. Just a small problem that we can't solve yet. If everything is clear with auto-posting: the bot just got terribly bugged by itself, then everything is much more interesting with a photo. After what happened here, we took a couple of dozen photos and just started sending them to each other in all possible messengers. After sending, each of them became something like this piece of black nothing; some, moreover, changed the format.

Then we twisted the levels of some of them in graphic editors - they are not completely black, they look more like very low-contrast noise, except! the first couple of tens of pixels that stand out from the overall picture (see screenshots below). It looks like some kind of steganography, but how exactly something is encrypted (if it is encrypted), one devil knows, and there’s not much time to poke around, so we’ll figure it out somehow later. Oh, and one more thing - hex editors say that such files completely lack all metadata.

About the reasons for this. I (Andrey) never understand this, but Berenice claims, and with her also two specialists with whom we contacted, that this is some kind of protective magic. I’m really very interested in what kind of magic should be, so that, being superimposed even before the Middle Ages, it could change the format of images and encrypt all sorts of shit there. Anivey, we are unlikely to do this already, for now we are just waiting for specialists.

But there is also good news: magic reacts favorably to photographs of drawings of these monuments. We have found an artist who will draw certain things for us, and we will show and explain everything to you. Keep in touch and try not to get sick!

Everything is very bad

Great: not only did telegram auto-posting break, something else happened to the photos. Now let's fix everything, aaaaaa

PS It always seemed to me that my tianwei shoots in * .jpg. What the hell is it anyway?

UPD: posting fixed, we still don’t understand what’s wrong with the photo