This is Berenice and the heading "what your friends will definitely show, although you yourself would like to forget." Since Andrei has finally turned off, ceasing to portray an electric metal broom, I will dilute the pathos of our everyday life with a photo of his tender adolescence, when he was a cute honors student with a bang, and the level of his brutality was measured in fractional numbers.
again we break in with pictures. The comrade has been redrawing this lady from a yellowed and faded piece of lodrast for several days, and he is very eager to show the creation to the people.
In general, meet, nameless dragariyka. Who she is, where she comes from and why, we do not yet know, but we will try to find out.
PS I was just told that her eyes seem to have a barely noticeable blue tint in the original drawing. Coincidence or not? We'll tell you later!
PPS Riddle with a thought: why can't you find a photo of a dragar anywhere?
Answer: ¿qɯɐʞɯoȸ oɹǝ ʁɔvɐɯıqu ɐɓʚɐdu oɯ-oɯʞ ɐ
Two brothers
Another extraordinary post with attempts at calligraphy. This is the old Eryakhshar, still the same fourth century. In the original, the lines were written boustrophedon, but the pen on my pen does not allow writing from right to left, unfortunately.
Ed sēryāzem purţas,
tazē tārx yāñ āvad,
Sapad dar hayyamqund,
vadund Gelēm-i-Şayr.
(and then more lines that were not included):
Vad forusataş Azur-
hat elziraxn vestund,
jarda dar-ē Şefayr.
First, I would immediately like to draw attention to the outdated form of the sign rodfa - now its final form is carried down the line and ends with one hook, not two; signs for nasal n, m have a head shape corresponding to voiced ones, and in ñ the head is characteristic of the deaf (now all three are recorded with a “deaf” head).
Further, this text is the beginning of a long verse story about brother gods from the Eryakhshar religion. Here is the most famous translation of this piece into Retsin:
Long time ago when
the earth was young
Two brothers - Light and Darkness -
walked among the people.
Azursherkh, Menagrad -
their names were
Our world is made up of them,
eternal two parts.
(a completely original religion, and the similarities with Ahuramazda and Anhraman are absolutely random, yes, yes)
I'm not entirely sure it's important to mention this, but I'll say it anyway. Even so, it was difficult for me to draw these signs - and operations to retract the claws of the Gearts (= making them retractable) began to be carried out from the tenth century, not earlier. Question: how could they hold pens and write with them so beautifully before? ..
There are six of us, but we are not alone.
We want to show you the truth - don't be afraid.
Have we dissolved it in time, or has it itself submitted to us?
We are wandering in the void. We speak and sing, but we hear no answer.
HE said that we must conquer time. HE said that we must break down the boundaries that separate people from people. HE explained that this is perfection.
Please, friend: if you can hear us, answer. Show that our work is not in vain. Get over the wall between spaces.
She is indeed very thin.
It's like me. But I'm not here. In general, through trial and error, it turned out that I can shoot video at least from the house where I live, and at least from the room in which I live. But only until pieces of me get into the frame - otherwise it deteriorates, like those photographs before.
Oh, yes, in the background one friend-dverg swears with someone there. Never mind, this is his normal mode.
Cœṽėni Dueniovlėdhi (Part 1)
[1]standard transcription köβ̃ėni dünjoβlėði, "memories of a werewolf";
As I grow fur, my feelings change.
My eyes see differently.
My ears hear a gentle wind.
Smells surround me and envelop me.
Thoughts thin and fall, reverberating faintly in my head.
I was no more than ten when I turned for the first time. Memories of that incident ... are negligible. I do not think, however, that then it was particularly different. I will try to explain.
A man screams and whimpers in pain, one has only to break his finger. What should be said about the suffering experienced by the werewolf? In tiny moments, his body contorts; arms and legs change shape, bones break and join again as many times as I can't count. I hear this terrible crunch every time.
But the Gods, knowing the weakness of living flesh, acted wisely. So that the pain does not drive you crazy, they planted delight in your heart - a boiling fire, in the radiance of which any other light fades. Suffering and joy mix in your chest, and bring unexpected balance, purity and clarity of mind.
His absence.
In my tribe they call me Brunvann[2]in original brunwɨnnoʰ "white-breasted", from Prabet. *brusū, brusn- "breast", *windos "white".. Outside of it, few people know where this name came from.
I am the first of my kind in several generations. They say that my great-great-grandfather could also turn into a fox, but it is unlikely that anyone will be able to verify this. Not many years have passed, but what used to be considered a blessing has become a curse. I remember very well the incredulous, bewildered looks that made me want to hide my head away from my shoulders.
When I was young, I often ran into the woods. At first I wandered there alone, and then I found others like me. Or rather, quite dissimilar.
The only thing we had in common was that we all had a human mind, hidden under a thick layer of fur. But if I accepted my peculiarity as something inevitable, a simple, albeit strange part of me, then the rest made themselves idols. They were so proud of their bestial appearance that it inevitably began to seem as if it was all they had - all they had left. As it turns out, I was almost right.
But I am grateful to them. They helped me to stop being afraid. They taught me many things: how to separate the human mind from the bestial desires; how to follow the trail and hear the sounds. But most importantly, even the Gods could not surpass the powers they gave to man. Each new transformation dulls the senses: at first almost imperceptibly, but then more and more clearly. Be a man - or a beast - for as long as possible, so that, wanting to feel the original delight again, you do not destroy your body with endless conversions and fall into madness.
In short, we have the following:
- We were suddenly given a lot of funding, which is nice. The initiative came from our government, and then FNEVKO also got down to business, well, that's it. Not far from this cache of ours (~ 7-8 km) with a bunch of papers, there is a cottage village, which is still being built up. Apparently, so much money was allocated for our expedition that we were all calmly settled in newly built houses that were not yet inhabited, and even allocated some personal transport (HOORAY I CAN RIDE A WHEELBOW)
- Probably, it was necessary to rewrite the text still not looking at night, because I made two unfortunate mistakes there. The first word in the last line has an extended ƿ over the first g, which I just didn't notice, and in the last word of the same line, it's not an extended u over i, but vice versa.
Apparently, this is the middle stage of Pradigitta, when the lenition has already passed, the vowels have almost completely taken shape, but the cases have not yet disappeared, and the verbal paradigms have not evened out. In standard transcription, this is written like this:
pan koxwennu ammdüβ̃iβ̃ọn blewi, newidjontor men skjantọʰ. pėlönt men lugadʉ araljon. clühint men klʉsti awelọn didawhọn. ammgɨlxọnt arɣʷoglehọ me a ammɣworxʉðjọnt.
“When I get fur, my feelings change. My eyes see differently. My ears hear a gentle wind. Smells surround me and envelop me.
From what we can understand so far, these are the notes of some beta werewolf from Digitania. We gave them to the next specialists for decoding and translation.
We successfully moved in a little less than a day. It’s just unbearable to sleep, so we’ll tell you everything tomorrow morning somewhere, but for now, here’s a photo of the text that I just rewrote for you to start. It looks like an insular uncial with minor modifications - but! - the language is completely unexpected. Think for a while, and I'm on the side.

Update: Our entire camp is moving around a bit. Everything happened very suddenly; We may not be in touch for a while. We'll tell you the details as soon as we can!
Look, this is Andrew. He swears at his hair very much - and no wonder, his life is not like that at all - but it seems to me that it suits him much more.