more update

I recently heard something very cool, so I’m stubbornly fighting the desire to make this evening musical. Spoiler: I reached a compromise, and tomorrow evening will be musical. In the meantime, some news.

  1. The experimental genetic therapy I volunteered for is working! Now I am not a completely bald dog, but actually have a thick mane. I haven’t attached any photos yet because I look very strange; When I’m covered with wool at least up to my waist, then it will be possible.
  2. Berenice sends greetings to everyone from Harassukhum. She is now riding around all cities; whether he takes photographs or not, however, I still don’t understand. Most likely, it’s unlikely, because they generally allow photography or filming of few of the attractions there. I think she'll tell you more when she gets back - next week, she said.
  3. Work began again on translations of “Walking to the Land of Stur” and the wolf notes. Expect them over time; We don’t promise any deadlines, because we remember our last mistake. But everything will happen!

And keep a cute toad just in case. It's Wednesday.

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