some update

Hello, friends!

We've dropped out of online life for a bit, and there's a reason for that. Berenice left for a couple of weeks to her historical (very historical) homeland, to Kharassukhum. In fact, she had been planning for a long time, but now she was finally given a visa, and without a second's delay, she packed her bags and flew out this Monday.

You have no idea how much I envy her! Getting a visa to Kharassukhum is another challenge, but it pays off a hundredfold. Entire cities built in caves inside the mountains, a completely insane railway network, tunnels, caves, and each of them is at least two thousand years old ... ahhh, I really want to go there!

In the meantime, I have to write things myself. Zear helps me as much as he can, but he's also busy at work, so I can't ask too much of him. In the meantime, we're working on the next Dragar Spell material, and we hope to release it on Friday.

All health!

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