Second degree

Dragar spells, as promised.

In the previous post, we considered the first degree, and now we turn to the second. It, unlike the previous one, is not divided into any categories, but is quite complex in itself.

The first thing to note is that at this degree, the words used in the spell already obey certain grammatical rules. In general, roughly speaking, the second degree is a very formalized artificial language.

There is only one part of speech - the noun, which is also a verb. I mean, the word þun can mean both "shield" and "protect", this applies to everything else. If you really want and need to make an adjective, a particle is placed before the word ga: ce "sand" becomes ga ce "sandy".

There are no prepositions, instead there are postpositions: fors "fire" → fors goz "(on) against the fire." Adjectives always appear after the noun they describe: þunğa ce "sand shield" (sorry for the idiotic examples). The predicate is always at the end of the sentence.

Such a structure is not very typical for natural languages, but it has a certain meaning: everything is done in order to first introduce some term into the spell, and only then refine it and modify it in some other way. The only exception is this adjective particle ga (And then, this is not quite an exception, but that's a completely different story).

And one more important fact. A pure second degree is a simple sentence (one-part, two-part - it doesn't matter). If the sentence is complex, then this is already degrees higher, and some additional things appear there.

Finally, with regard to inversion. It is possible if the caster understands very well what he wants to do, and specifically focuses on some word. An example of this would be… yes, the Akedega spell from the book.

First, let's show how it would look without inversion:

þun şuf ğa ce goz
"shield storm adj sand vs” - that is, “shield against a sandstorm.”

Akedeg has it like this:

þunğa ce şuf goz
because he emphasizes "sandy". Note that in this situation it can be read as "sand shield against the storm", which, of course, is not at all the same and has a completely different meaning.

Well, two more examples from the literature:

tan ür forş yer pâð alx
"wood from fire with coal do", that is, "I make coal from wood into fire." The caster, if I remember correctly, urgently needed a piece of coal to write something.

nêh ğa jo cew göz
"sleep ADJ eternity disease against- "eternal sleep against illness." A spell used to kill the hopelessly ill.

Let's end on that positive note. Once again, don't worry!

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