
We decided to take a break from the Vikings and write a popular science post. Do not be afraid! It will be quite small. And it will focus on anthropo- (or sapio-) genesis.

Of course, one can hardly say more about this than has been said - and no one, it seems, has canceled the theory of evolution either. But there is one small flaw in it, which many, throwing up their hands, admit - while others bashfully turn a blind eye to it.

As we all know, all currently existing sentient species have innate abilities for magic. Of course, without the proper development, they remain in their infancy, but even so they do not disappear. What's the problem, you ask? The fact that none of the modern animals has at all no magical ability. Here at all. Even the most highly organized And this applies not only to modern ones: all studies claim that ancient extinct species could not have magic either.

But what about our immediate ancestors? At some stage, like the ancient representatives of the genus Homo, so do Dears and Draco these same abilities suddenly appear. This is evidenced by some objects found in the parking lots: traces of magic have been preserved (albeit very weak) on them to this day. But the transition from not using magic to using it is very quick and sudden: for each clan, it took only 200-300 years. And for evolution, you yourself understand, this is an insignificant period.

Finally, I will add that the ancient beliefs of the Alvs-Glinnars say the following: The Higher, creating intelligent life on the orders of the One, did not create it from scratch, but took already existing (that is, previously created) animals - and just pushed them in the right direction. In my opinion, there is a grain of truth in this - because everything that happened can really be well explained only by some external impulse.

Evolve further, gentlemen!


We continue to tell you about the magic on the Lavinava Peninsula - and in this post we have brought you some relatively new information.

As a side note, we first note that the author uses the words seir "magic; witchcraft" and galdr "spell" as synonyms, without any distinction between their meanings. Perhaps this is a regional feature, but we cannot say with certainty.

And then - to the point. The author speaks rather unflatteringly about foreign historians:

“... they write the following: if a man performs witchcraft, then he will certainly be accused of unmasculinity (ergi) and punished as a serious offense.

Explanation: ergi in the understanding we know, this is one of the heaviest accusations and insults for a man, which was washed away only with blood. IN ergi, in particular (as we know!) accused men practicing magic or homosexual intercourse in a passive role.

We know this information from later (and in most cases Christian) sources. But what does the author of the document say about this?

“... in these words there is more conjecture than truth. Odin himself used seir - so it would be appropriate for us to accuse and condemn him? The truth is that we call argr (unmanly) such a husband who evades his duties, wanting to replace them with easier ones. Instead of fighting, plowing in the field or building houses, they declared themselves like this: now I am a sorcerer! (seirmair) - and so left their family without food. If such a man wishes to refute the accusation, let him challenge the accuser to a holmgang (=special duel; duel) and prove it there. Otherwise, in our eyes, he will remain weak and feminine, and this is how we will treat him.

After all, there are other [men] who put their whole life and strength to comprehend the secrets of witchcraft. It is unlikely that anyone on our lands will turn their tongues to accuse them of ergi".

Such are the things. And, frankly, this approach seems to me much more adequate and logical than the Christian-biased "magic is not a man's business."


Fifth runic verse.

ᚱ (reið)


⋅ᚱ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᚱᚨᛁᛈ ᚱᚨᚢᛞᚢ ᛚᛁᛏᚨᛞ
ᛟᚲ ᚺᚱᚨᛒᚾᚨᛉ ᚨ ᚺᚨᛊᛏᚢᛗ
ᛟᚲ ᚺᚨᛒᛁᛏ ᛖᛉ ᚷᛚᛁᛏᚱᚨᛉ ᚨ ᚢᚾᛞᚨᚾ


r (raid) ez raip raudu litad
ok hrabnaz a hastum
ok habit ez glitraz a undan

Normalized spelling:

Reið er reip, rauðu litað
ok hrafnar a hęstum
ok hafit, er glitrar a undan


Journey (on horseback) is a rope dyed red,
and ravens on horseback,
and the great sea glittering ahead.


Damn posts! To hell with the Vikings! We have a holiday today!

All the rallies for the independence of Eryakhshar, which have been held for more than a year, led to the fact that the President of Binizia, Arpaslan Colak, initiated negotiations with representatives of the Eryakhshar opposition and their self-proclaimed self-government body (Jivqeykamas). They began yesterday at 2 pm Biniz time, and the city of Poike, the capital of the Eryakhshar Autonomous Region, was chosen as the venue (which already inspired inspiring thoughts). They just finished this morning.

And what? And the fact that we are celebrating the independence day of Eryakhshara! Of course, the process of its final withdrawal from Binizia will not be quick, but today, on the 18th of the fall of the year 2021, a start was made for it.

Hooray! Eryaxşārē amqodnijef kaḑerad!


The fourth runic verse.

ᚨ (ǫ́ss)


⋅ᚨ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᚨᛁᚾᚾ ᚨᛚᛗᚨᛏᛏᛁᚷᛁ ᚷᚢᛞ
ᛟᚲ ᚹᚨᛚᚺᚨᛚᛚᚨᛉ ᚹᚨᚱᚾᛞᚨᚱᛁ
ᛟᚲ ᚹᚨᚱᛞᛉ ᚾᚨᛉ ᚢᚷᚷᛞᚱᚨᛊᛚᛁ


a (ass) ez ainn almattigi gud
ok walhallaz warndari
ok warz naz uggdrasli

Normalized spelling:

Ǫ́ss er einn almáttigi guð
ok valhallar vęrndari
ok vǫrðr nær yggdrasli


As is truly an almighty god,
and Valhalla guard,
and a guard at Yggdrasil.

É Thalbhaeridh

I wanted to upload a new runic verse today (it is already fully processed and ready), but it will be tomorrow. Today, it's just going to be a little bragging.

I bought myself a few brush pens the other day (how is it in Retsin? "pen-brush"?) and since then I just sit for hours and draw something with them on paper. But in general, the purchase had a specific purpose - I wanted to practice classical Glinnar calligraphy. At my current stage (I know almost nothing), traditional tools - ink and pen - would only spoil everything, so for now.

Well, here you can see the first fruit of my efforts. So far, only the alphabet, because the hieroglyphs are terrible, uneven and go in all directions. The recorded text is the first verse of one of the classic hymns to Roina:

É Thàlbhaeridh an im Illìn,
Dag lerain bhait an audrann dhin.
Edh ollanannaigh seao far,
Teithasa an thail ailen-shar.

O Star Queen who resides behind the moon,
Your eyes are so clear
And blessed is your hand
Lighting up the stars in the sky.

Galdr ok svikagaldr

And once again we have a small story from the life of the Vikings, so to speak. This time we turn to the part of the notes where the author describes various divination systems and magic in general. But! it begins with a preface, which also contains a lot of important information.

The first sentence sounds like this: “so that you are not defrauded of your money, you must distinguish magic <galdr> and deceptive magic <svikagaldr>". The second term refers to ordinary quackery.

In principle, it is not at all surprising that already at that time there were charlatans (or rather, charlatans) who made money from the fact that ordinary people did not understand magic at all and how it works. And these were not only fortune tellers, according to the author; he also mentions all sorts of witches, spellcasters and lists a whole bunch of specific and almost untranslatable words.

If that was the end of it, I wouldn’t even be writing this post. But! Further, the author explains how you can distinguish a genuine sorceress from a deceiver. Go?

  1. “If she promises you that by tomorrow the clouds will gather and it will start to rain, don’t believe her. No one living on earth has the power to direct the winds.”
  2. “Ask her to tell your future according to the runes. Charlatansvikagaldrakona> will agree with joy and ask for money in advance; he will refuse the fortune teller if he sees you for the first time. To sort out a person’s fate, you need to know him well.”
  3. “Ask her how it is that she can do magic. The charlatan will tell you about the gods and the elves who come to her at night, and how the northern lights awaken her power. And the sorceress will only shrug his shoulders: true magic is more like a quick movement of thought, a short wave of the hand, than empty chatter.”

All three of these points, of course, are still relevant today.


Third runic verse.

ᚦ (þurs)


⋅ᚦ⋅ ᛖᛉ ᚨᛒ ᚦᛁᛟᛞ ᚦᚨᚷᚾᚨ ᚠᚢᛚᛚᛉᛁ
ᛟᚲ ᚹᚨᚺᛊᛁᚾᚾ ᚹᚨᛗᛉ
ᛟᚲ ᚹᚨᚲᚾᚨᚾᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᛏᛏᚨ


þ (þurs) ez ab þiod þagna fullzi
ok wahsinn wamz
ok waknanda hatta

Normalized spelling:

Þurs er af þjóð, þágna fullri
ok vaxinn vámr
ok vaknanda hætta


The giant is from a people full of discord,
and a grown man, disgusting,
and awakening danger.